8 Best Snake Plant Companions in Pots

If you are planning to pair your snake plant in the same pot as another plant it is important that they like the same free draining soil, lower water levels and small amounts of fertilizer. Snake plants are a great, upright growing plant so can add height to your planting. Pair them with ZZ plants, pothos, spider plant, philodendron, cactus or succulents.

This article will explore the best plant to grow with snake plants in the same pot for both indoors and outdoors.

Understanding the Snake Plant is crucial before choosing the best companion plants. Snake plants are native to West Africa and are known for their long, sword-shaped leaves that grow upright. They are also known by the names Sansevieria and Mother-in-Law’s Tongue. Snake plants are a great choice for beginners because they are easy to care for and require minimal watering. They can grow up to 4 feet tall and can be propagated easily.

1. ZZ plant

ZZ plant love the same conditions as snake plants so will pair perfectly together in the same pot. They grow vertically as well so you can grow a tall plant to sit at the back of your pot arrangement. Both snake plant and ZZ plant love water around once per month, fertilizer once per year and can survive in low light conditions. They will both grow well in your living room near a window with bright light.

Both ZZ plants and snake plants will grow best in a pot with a drainage hole. While it is possible to grow these in a pot without a drainage hole it is much easier if the excess water can just drip out of the bottom to avoid root rot. Both plants require minimal care and look great together.

For more on growing ZZ and snake plants together, check out my previous article here: ZZ Plant vs Snake Plant | 6 Key Differences

2. Pothos

Pothos are a great hardy vine and a popular house plant that grow incredibly well with snake plants in pots. Pothos or Devil’s Ivy is dry tolerant and can survive with the same amount of water as snake plants. They can last up to a month without water as long as they get a deep soak.

They can trail down the side of the pot or be trained up a pole. They have beautiful bright green leaves and can be variegated with white or yellow. This colorful plant will look great with your snake plant.

Pothos are easy to take cuttings from. You can snip off a piece, put it in some water to sprout and you will have a new plant in around 4 weeks.

For more on propagating pothos, check out my previous article here: How long it takes to propagate pothos | 5 Tips for new plants in 4 weeks

3. Spider plants

Spider plants are the perfect companion to the hardy snake plant. They grow with almost no attention and only a small amount of water. Their fast growth can mean that they can take over the pot quickly so you may need to snip back some of the leaves. Make sure you leave enough room for your snake plant which will grow at a slower rate.

Spider plant will survive in full shade or full sun and will send out spider babies which can be snipped off and planted into new soil to create new plants. They will grow well with snake plant so give them a go. Take care not to plant them in the ground as they can quickly take over. Make sure the pot has drainage holes to avoid root rot.

4. Philodendron

Philodendrons are hardy and can grow well with your snake plant. They don’t mind small amounts of water and grow well in a shady spot. They are an incredibly hardy plant that likes free draining soil like snake plants. They will grow well with a small amount of a balanced liquid fertilizer and will give you a unique look with your snake plant. 

5. Cactus

Cactus pair perfectly with snake plants in pots as they will love a 4 week dry spell followed by deep watering. They love free draining soil and will be happy in cactus soil or a free draining premium potting soil. Both snake plants and cactus are hardy, need little fertilizer and can tolerate full sun. Cactus are attractive plants that enjoy bright light position.

6. Succulents

Succulents are also perfect to pair with your snake plant in pots. They like free draining soil, watering once per month and are actually tolerant of part shade or full sun. They are a great choice because they come in a variety of shapes and colors and can fill the space leftover in the pot after you plant your snake plant.

Simply poke small succulents into the gaps to fill the pot.

7. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is a succulent that is known for its healing properties. It is also a great companion plant for your snake plant. Aloe vera and snake plants have similar needs when it comes to light and water. They both prefer bright, indirect sunlight and well-draining soil. Aloe vera also has the added benefit of being able to absorb toxins from the air, just like the snake plant.

8. Peace Lily

Peace lilies are a beautiful flowering plant that can add a pop of color to your indoor garden. They are also a great companion plant for your snake plant. Peace lilies prefer shaded areas with high humidity, making them perfect for pairing with the snake plant. They are also relatively low maintenance and can thrive in bright, indirect light. Peace lilies are great at removing toxins from the air, just like the snake plant.

In conclusion, these three companion plants are great options for pairing with your snake plant. They not only add to the beauty of your indoor garden but also help keep your snake plant healthy and happy.

The Importance of Companion Planting

Companion planting is the practice of growing different plants together to achieve mutual benefits. When it comes to snake plants, companion planting is essential for their growth and overall health. Here are some reasons why companion planting is important:

  1. Improves air quality: Snake plants are known for their air-purifying abilities, but companion plants can also help improve the air quality in your home. Plants like pothos and ivy are effective at filtering out toxins from the air, making them great choices for companion planting.
  2. Enhances aesthetic appeal: Adding companion plants to your snake plant can enhance the overall aesthetic appeal of your indoor garden. Plants like ZZ plant and aloe vera have unique textures and colors that can complement the look of your snake plant.
  3. Promotes growth: Companion plants can also promote the growth of your snake plant. Plants like marigolds and succulents can help deter pests and improve soil quality, which can lead to healthier and more robust snake plants.
  4. Saves space: Growing multiple plants in one pot can save space and make your indoor garden more efficient. Choosing companion plants that have similar care requirements as your snake plant can make it easier to care for multiple plants at once.

Overall, companion planting is a great way to enhance the health and beauty of your snake plant. By choosing the right plants and growing them together, you can create a thriving indoor garden that benefits both you and your plants.

How to Choose Companion Plants for Snake Plants

It is important to consider the light conditions, soil, fertilizer and water needs of the plants you pair with snake plants. 

Light conditions

Light conditions are important. While snake plants are hardy and will tolerate both deep shade and full sun, not all plants are the same. You will need to match the light needs of the other plant rather than the snake plant which is hardy and will adapt. Bright light conditions suit most indoor plants like ZZ plant, philodendron or pothos.

If you choose ZZ plants for example, make sure you choose a space out of direct sun, if you choose a spider plant then you can go for full sun or even keep the pot outdoors.

Soil conditions

Soil choice is important to keep your snake plant happy. Choose a free draining soil that contains organic matter and slow release fertilizer. I like to use a premium all purpose potting soil but snake plants will grow in cactus soil. If you are pairing with cactus or succulents this can be the best choice for those plants and the snake plant will still grow well.


Making sure the plants like the same amount of fertilizer is important. Snake plants survive well with a yearly dose if slow release indoor plant food so choose a plant that likes the same. I like to use an all purpose indoor plant food for snake plants. Other plants that love a yearly dose of fertilizer include ZZ plants, succulents and cactus.

Other plants like pothos and spider plants will survive with fertilizer just once per year so will be happy sharing the pot with your snake plant.


Watering needs are an important consideration when choosing your snake plant companion. Snake plants grow well with a deep water once per month so the partner you choose must be drought tolerant. Many plants will survive with a monthly deep water so try out succulents, cactus and ZZ plants.

Best Companion Plants for Snake Plants Outdoors

Snake plants will grow well outdoors an if you plant them in a pot they can share the space. If you want to keep the pot in a shady spot, plant them with shade lovers like clivia. You can also choose full sun lovers like dracaena, society garlic, succulents, cactus and even orange bird of paradise.

My snake plant is happily growing together with society garlic and a golden cane palm.


Snake plants are hardy and will share the space with lots of different plants. Choose a plant that is drought hardy, likes free draining soil and only needs fertilizer once per year. I like indoor plants like ZZ plant (Zanzibar Gem) and pothos. But you could also choose succulents, cactus or even dracaena.

There are many great companion plants that can be grown alongside your snake plant. Whether you’re looking for a pop of color, added texture, or just want to create a lush green space, there’s a plant out there for you.

If you’re looking to create a green wall of lushness, consider pairing your Snake Plant with a fern and ivy combo. For a balanced mix of color and texture, try pairing your Snake Plant with white pachysandra. And if you’re looking for a fun and colorful display, consider pairing your Snake Plant with a purple begonia.

Remember, when choosing companion plants for your Snake Plant, it’s important to consider their light and water requirements, as well as their growth habits. By selecting plants that complement your Snake Plant’s needs, you can create a beautiful and thriving indoor garden.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some good companion plants for snake plants?

There are many good companion plants for snake plants. Some of the best options include bird of paradise, peace lily, devil’s ivy and ZZ plant. These plants are all low maintenance and thrive in similar conditions to snake plants, making them the perfect companions.

Can snake plants be planted together with other plants?

Yes, snake plants can be planted together with other plants. However, it is important to choose plants that have similar growing conditions and watering needs. If you choose the right plants, they can complement each other and create a beautiful display.

What plants grow well with snake plants?

Plants that grow well with snake plants include those that thrive in low light and dry conditions. Some good options include ZZ plant, spider plant, philodendron, and pothos. These plants are all easy to care for and can help create a lush, green display.

Are there any plants that should not be planted with snake plants?

While snake plants can be planted with many different types of plants, there are some that should be avoided. Plants that require a lot of water or have different growing conditions can be a bad match for snake plants. These are generally tropical plants that prefer large amounts of water.

Can snake plants and pothos be planted together?

Yes, snake plants and pothos can be planted together. They are both low maintenance plants that thrive in similar conditions, making them a good match. This combination can create a beautiful display of greenery in your home or office.

Is it possible to grow spider plants and snake plants together?

Yes, it is possible to grow spider plants and snake plants together. They are both easy to care for and thrive in low light conditions. This combination can create a beautiful display of greenery and help purify the air in your home or office.