Are raspberry plants invasive? | Where you should NOT plant them

Raspberry plants can be invasive and grow new stems from underground roots. A small raspberry plant can rapidly take over a well-watered garden bed with good soil so take care when choosing where you plant them. Create a physical barrier with timber or tarps or opt for a pot if you have a small backyard to contain your raspberry plants.

This article will explore all you need to know about how invasive raspberry plants can be and what you can do to contain them. Find out tips for growing lots of raspberries in once place and where you shouldn’t plant them.

Here is my baby raspberry plant that started out tiny but within 3 months has 5X in size.

Are raspberry plants invasive?

Raspberry plants can take off throughout your garden invading other areas of your garden very quickly. They spread through underground roots which can sprout up new stems away from the original plant. In spring raspberry plants will burst into life and can double in size within a month or two.

It can be a great idea to take the initiative to take care of your raspberry plants and keep them in their place. If you have a small garden, before you know it your raspberries could be everywhere.

New raspberry leaves on my plant.

How to stop raspberries from invading your yard

Here are my top tips to stop raspberry plants from invading your yard in a few different ways.

1. Give raspberries their own patch

For those who are lucky enough to have a large area for your raspberries setting aside a raspberry patch is a great idea. Dig over the soil and add some aged cow manure to the soil. Add compost if you have it and raise the soil up to around ½ a foot high.

You can surround the bed with timber, black tarps or even a thick hessian to cover the soil and prevent any new stems from popping up where they shouldn’t.

Snipping off extra stems, dig the stems up and keep them in their dedicated patch.

2. Block their growth

If you have a large area you may need to add a block to prevent them from growing further. You can place black tarps on the ground or use a natural covering such as a thick hessian.

While tarps will stop the soil from getting water and preventing raspberry growth but it can damage the soil. Hessian works well to stop light from reaching the soil but will still allow water to drain through.

Raspberries grow multiple stems even in their first year so take care when deciding where to plant them.

3. Plant raspberries in a pot

Another great option to keep raspberries from invading other areas of your garden is to plant raspberry plants in a pot. Choose a large pot to give your raspberry the space to grow. For me this is going to be the option to go with.

I had originally planted my raspberry plant in the soil which quickly grew from 10 inches to over 3 feet high in a few months. I need to control this plant and place it in a pot. I will still place the pot in the same place but the pot will stop it from spreading throughout my garden and taking nutrients from a nearby lime tree.

Do raspberries have invasive roots?

Raspberry plants do have invasive roots and once they have grown over spring and summer and fill their space they can grow new stems further out from the original plant. The roots will grow new raspberry stems which is great but they can take over the space.

Raspberry runners can escape from their area and grow new stems. You can remove these by chopping them off with a spade. Raspberry plants can take some work to keep them under control but it is worth it once you taste home grown strawberries.

New raspberry stems growing from the base of of the plant.

Where should you not plant raspberries?

Avoid planting raspberries too close to citrus trees, other small shrubs or very damp areas where it will grow prolifically. Planting it among other plants in your garden is a great idea if you have the time to control the extra stems.

For the easiest option, plant them in their own garden bed but if you don’t have the space a pot is the perfect option. Choose a pot that is larger than the plant to give it room to spread and grow new stems.

I am going to dig this raspberry plant out and place it in a pot. I will put the pot back in the same place but this will keep the roots from spreading any further.

Are raspberry plants invasive? | Summary

Raspberry plants can become invasive but they are still a fantastic plant even for a small garden. For small gardens growing raspberries in a pot is the perfect option and will stop it from invading other areas of the garden.

You can continually remove extra stems that pop up in the wrong area but to make it easier you can dig the plant up over winter and stick the stems in a pot until it grows back in spring.

Take care when handling raspberry plants as their stems can be spiny and irritate your skin. Wear gloves and long sleeves to be safe.

Raspberry plants are a great addition to your garden and great for kids to experience where raspberries come from. Take care as most raspberry stems can have spikes and can irritate skin if you rub up against them.

Pinch of raspberry fruit with your finger tips to avoid any problems but wearing gloves and long sleeves can offer added protection.

Happy growing.