Can I Cut Bird of Paradise to the Ground? | 10 Simple Tips

The striking orange and purple flowers of the Strelitzia reginae, commonly known as the bird of paradise, can add a touch of exotic beauty to any garden. While you can cut the plant down to the ground, a more gradual pruning approach will help keep it looking lush and vibrant year-round. A bird of paradise that is severely pruned will take 3-6 months to fully recover.

This article will explore the best ways to prune a bird of paradise plant and how to keep it looking great without needing to prune it all the way to the ground.

This is the same bird of paradise plant a year later. It has already flowered and produced loads of new leaves. Leaves appeared a few weeks after trimming.

Pruning a Bird of Paradise: Why and When

Before we discuss how to prune a bird of paradise, let’s review why and when you should prune this plant.

Why Prune a Bird of Paradise?

  1. To remove dead or damaged leaves: Brown or yellow leaves can detract from the plant’s overall appearance, and they can also attract pests or diseases.
  2. To promote healthy growth: Pruning can stimulate the plant to produce new leaves and flowers, helping it to stay vigorous and beautiful.
  3. To control the size and shape: If your bird of paradise is getting too large or unruly, pruning can help you keep it in check.

When to Prune a Bird of Paradise?

The best time to prune a bird of paradise is in the spring or summer, when the plant is actively growing. Avoid pruning during the winter, as this can expose the plant to cold damage.

Can You Cut a Bird of Paradise to the Ground?

You can cut a bird of paradise to the ground, but this should only be done in specific circumstances. For instance, if your bird of paradise has suffered from extreme damage from heavy frosts, you may need to prune it hard in the spring to refresh the whole plant.

Pruning all the leaves and flower heads to 5 inches or so from the ground should only be done as a last resort. It can take many weeks or even months for the plant to fully recover after being cut this significantly.

It is much better to keep your bird of paradise looking great by giving it a lighter trim and only removing damaged leaves or finished flower stems.

10 Tips when pruning bird of paradise to the ground

  1. Use sharp, clean pruning shears to make a clean cut and avoid damaging the plant.
  2. Prune your bird of paradise during the early spring or fall to encourage new growth.
  3. Remove any dead, damaged or diseased leaves or stems first to allow the plant to focus its energy on new growth.
  4. Cut the plant back to just a few inches above the ground to encourage strong new growth from the base.
  5. Remove any flower stalks that have finished blooming to prevent the plant from wasting energy on them.
  6. Water the plant well after pruning to encourage new growth.
  7. Fertilize your bird of paradise with a balanced, slow-release fertilizer after pruning to provide nutrients for new growth.
  8. Provide your bird of paradise with plenty of sunlight and water while it regrows.
  9. Consider covering the plant with a protective layer of mulch to help retain moisture and prevent weeds.
  10. Be patient and allow time for the plant to regrow, which can take several months to a year depending on the plant’s health and growing conditions.

What happens when you prune a bird of paradise to the ground

At times it might be a good idea to give bird of paradise plant a good prune all the way to a few inches from the ground. For plants that have suffered from extreme damage from heavy frosts can be pruned hard in spring to refresh the whole plant.

Sometimes frost damage can be so bad that it will affect every leaf, the leaves can tear, turn brown and will not recover. Remove these dead and damaged leaves, especially if the looks like there is insect attack. Mealy bugs can attack suffering leaves so trim them off before it spreads.

Pruning all leaves and flower heads to 5 inches or so from the ground will give the plant a chance to grow new, healthy leaves and come back green.

How long it will take for bird of paradise leaves to grow back

Pruning a bird of paradise plant to the ground can be done in Spring after the chance of frost and very cold weather has passed. It will take many weeks or even months for the plant to fully recover however after being cut this significantly.

Think about this before getting your secateurs and cutting the whole plant back. I had removed most of a single bird of paradise plant, cutting it right back to the stem and it still has not grown back. I expect it will be later in spring or early summer before I see leaves return on this plant.

It is much better to keep your bird of paradise looking great to give it a lighter trim and only remove damaged leaves or finished flower stems. This will keep your bird of paradise looking green and still a feature of your garden even if it doesn’t have flowers yet.

How to Prune a Bird of Paradise

Check out these steps when pruning your bird of paradise.

1. Remove dead leaves:

Dead or yellow leaves can be unsightly and attract pests or diseases. Cut them off at the base of the stem using sharp secateurs or garden shears. Make sure to cut on an angle to prevent water from sitting on the end of the cut and causing rot or disease.

2. Remove dead flowers

Once bird of paradise flowers have finished, they will turn brown on the flower head and down the stem. These flowers can be pruned off close to the base or near the ground. Trim them back down to the healthy stem of the plant for a neat, clean look.

3. Trim to control size and shape

If your bird of paradise is getting too large or unruly, you can trim it back to control its size and shape. Use sharp secateurs or garden shears to cut back the stems to the desired length.

4. Fertilize

Feed the plant with pelted chicken manure over the spring to give it a nutrient boost to help it grow new leaves. This is a mild fertilizer with plenty of nitrogen, which will feed the soil microbes, worms, and the plant.

How long it takes for bird of paradise leaves to grow back

Bird of paradise plants that have been trimmed back to the ground can take months to grow back to full size. There is no need to trim them back this hard under normal conditions and it is much better to take it a bit at a time.

After a full trim, you may need to wait for a full season for the leaves to return. For harsh pruning done in spring, it could be Fall or even the next spring before it returns to its full glory.

Bird of paradise grow from rhizomes or an underground roots system that is protected under the soil. Even if the leaves are damaged the rhizome will stay protected and can store energy to re-grow new leaves.

Feed the plant with pelted chicken manure over Spring to give it a nutrient boost to help it to grow new leaves. This is a mild fertilizer with plenty of nitrogen which will feed the soil microbes, worms and the plant.

Can I cut bird of paradise to the ground? | Summary

While bird of paradise plants can be cut down to the ground you don’t need to unless they have suffered from a lot of leaf damage. Harsh frosts or pest attack can be a good reason to trim off all of the leaves close to the ground. Otherwise, prune off any dry leaves and dead flowers and it will grow new stems in spring.