Can star jasmine tolerate shade? | 5 Shade Growing Tips

Star jasmine can tolerate full shade but it will grow quicker with more flowers if it is grown in more sun. Planting star jasmine in shade will still give you a full, bushy green plant that still flowers well and smells amazing in spring.

This article will explore how to successfully grow star jasmine in shade and all you need to know to keep the plant healthy.

How to grow star jasmine in shade – 5 Tips

There are a few tips to know to successfully grow star jasmine in shade to avoid pest attack, disease and encourage quick growth.

1. Improve the soil first

When planting star jasmine in full shade it is important that the plant has good drainage. Soil that is in full shade will stay wet for longer so it is important to make sure it drains well to avoid root rot.

Before planting a new star jasmine, mix through aged cow manure and compost. This will add organic matter to the soil allowing it to drain better.

This will allow the roots to absorb water but will still let the excess drain away. This is important in shade so the plant won’t stay too wet, particularly over winter.

2. Be careful with watering

The next tip to know when growing star jasmine in full shade is to take care with watering. Plants grown in shade will generally need less water as the soil will not dry out as quickly. Always check the soil with your finger first and only add water when the top 2 inches of soil has dried out.

Watering star jasmine deeply is important to encourage it to send down deep roots and help it to become more drought tolerant.

Another consideration is that if the plant is shaded by an overhanging tree or verandah it may not be getting all of the rain it could. This would keep it dryer than usual so will need to be watered regularly.

My star jasmine does get protection from an overhanging verandah so I do check and water it at least once per week in winter and then twice per week in summer.

3. Always use mulch

It is always important to use mulch on star jasmine but is particularly important for those grown in full shade. Bark mulch is perfect for star jasmine and will help to absorb extra water from rain and also to reduce evaporation of water from the soil.

Mulch will help to keep the soil healthy by protecting the worms and soil bacteria encouraging them to break down organic matter, aerating the soil and releasing nutrients to make them available to your star jasmine.

4. Prune the star jasmine

Pruning is important for star jasmine grown in shade. While these plants may not grow as fast as those grown in full sun, they will still grow long stems in spring and summer that need shaping.

To keep the plant compact, neatly shaped and growing densely you will need to trim the long stems.

For plants that are being trained up a screen like mine, you can let some stems scramble their way up and trim off the others. This will help the plant to focus its energy in the direction you want.

5. Fertilize in spring and fall

Keep a star jasmine happy growing in shade by adding some balanced fertilizer in spring and fall. I always use pelleted chicken manure as this is slow release, organic and offers a balanced dose of nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus perfect for a growing jasmine in the spring.

Liquid fertilizer can be used as well and I often add some fish emulsion as an extra boost. Star jasmine are not fussy plants but will still love a handful or two of aged chicken manure. You can also top dress the plant with aged cow manure if you have it and then top with mulch.

This will be naturally washed down the roots of the plant when it rains feeding it and the worms.

How much sun does a star jasmine need?

For the best growth it is best to give star jasmine at least 3 hours of direct sunlight each day. This can help the plant to grow as quick as 3 feet per year. You will get more flowers in a sunny position but if shade is the only space you have go ahead and plant it there.

Star jasmine is a hardy plant that tolerates full shade to full sun. This is a great plant for a hedge or if you want to cover a screen with beautiful green leaves all year and flowers in spring.

Does star jasmine prefer sun or shade?

A star jasmine grown in full sun will generally grow quicker, will have longer stems and more flowers. This plant is still a great choice for a shady spot and will still grow beautiful green leaves and flowers in this position.

I am growing my star jasmine in a spot that is quite shady and it is growing well. When you first plant it out don’t expect too much growth over winter. I planted mine in fall and it did almost nothing in winter. However, when spring arrive it burst into life, adding at least a foot of growth, maybe more.

This star jasmine is now happily snaking its way up a screen nearby adding a beautiful contrast to the deep gray of the screen.

Can star jasmine tolerate shade? | Summary

Star jasmine can grow successfully in shade climbing up to quickly cover a screen or can be trimmed to form a small shrub or even a hedge. Star jasmine is becoming one of my favorite plants that thrive in a subtropical climate. They don’t like cold weather but will still survive a cool winter ready for growing new flowers in spring.

My star jasmine has been planted for less than a year and is still winding its way up my screen. While I haven’t got any flowers on the plant yet I am ready for flowers next year, and maybe even in summer.

Happy growing.