Can You Compost Pineapple with Worms? | 7 Tips to Avoid Ants and Flies

Worm farms are a great way to compost pineapple. Worms will eat the skin, flesh and leaves over time. It is important to cut pineapple into small pieces to allow the soil bacteria and worms to have access to more surface area to digest.

Pineapple is highly acidic so it is important to add small amounts at a time, cover it with brown material and balance it out with other ingredients to reduce the acidity. You can sprinkle over a small amount of garden lime to increase the pH. This will help to avoid attracting small vinegar flies.

This article will explore my top tips for adding pineapple to compost piles. This will help the worms to break it down fast, avoid attracting flies and ants and keep the acidity balanced in your worm farm.

How to compost pineapple with worms

Here are my top tips to compost pineapple with worms including ways to balance the moisture, pH and avoid hurting your worms.

1. Cut pineapple into small pieces

When adding fresh pineapple to your worm farm, make sure you cut it into small pieces first. This will allow the worms to have access to lots of pineapple surface area. There are plenty of soil bacteria in your worm farm as well that will break down the pineapple. Worms will actually feed on the bacteria and together they release the nutrients into the worm castings ready for your soil

2. Remove the juice when adding canned pineapple

Canned pineapple can be added to worm farms but it is important to avoid adding the juice. Adding the juice or syrup that the pineapple is canned in will add too much sugar to your worm farm which can attract ants and flies.

Tip the juice or syrup off of the pineapple and chop it into small pieces. Sprinkle the pineapple on top of the surface of the worm farm and cover it with straw. Add a worm blanket and a lid and your worms will happily feed on the pineapple.

Start by adding 1-2 handfuls of pineapple and wait for it to be broken down before adding more.

3. Cover the pineapple with brown material

After adding fresh pineapple, canned, pineapple skins or leaves cover them with straw, fall leaves, tree bark, shredded paper or cardboard. This will help to absorb the extra moisture and acidity preventing flies and ants.

4. Add small amounts of pineapple to start with

When adding pineapple to your worm farm, always start with a small amount first. If you have a small homemade worm farm start with 1-2 handfuls of pineapple or half a pineapple’s worth of skin.

Pineapple skin will not add too much water or acidity like the flesh. The leaves will take a lot longer to break down so add 1-2 heads of pineapple at a time.

Larger tiered worm farms will be able to break down more, but start with a small amount. Keep the rest in the freezer until the first lot has been broken down.

5. Mix through other food scraps

When adding pineapple to worm farms, it is best to add a range of other food scraps that are lower in acidity. Lettuce, potato peel, carrot peel and cabbage all work great with the pineapple.

Mix through fall leaves or straw to absorb the extra moisture and your worms will be happy.

6. Add a small amount of garden lime

Sprinkle a small handful of garden lime on top of your worm farm to help to balance out the acidity of pineapple. Lime is safe to add to your worm farm in small amounts. If you are only adding a small handful of pineapple every few weeks then the

If you notice that the worm bin begins to smell or attracts ants and vinegar flies then it is best to add a small amount of lime. The worms will break down the pineapple and mix through the lime. The worm castings that result will be prefect for your garden adding the leftover nutrients from the pineapple.

7. Cover your worm farm with a blanket and lid

The final step after adding pineapple is to cover the worm farm with a worm blanket and lids. Worm blankets can be purchased and are made from natural materials like coconut coir. They are permeable to water but keep the worms dark and moist. This allows them to feel safe to dig up to the surface of the soil to eat the pineapple.

You can make your worm farm blanket for free by using some plain cardboard. Fold it over so it fits neatly over your worms. The worms will slowly eat the cardboard incorporating it into the mix.

Put the lid on your worm farm to keep the flies, rats and mice out and to keep it dark and moist for the worms.

Can You Compost Pineapple with Worms? | Summary

Pineapple can be broken down and composted with worms. It will be broken down in a small worm farm just adjust the amount of pineapple you add depending on the size. Worms will break down food quicker in the warmer months of spring and summer which is perfect because this is pineapple season. Add pineapple skin, flesh and leaves and turn it into nutrient rich worm castings.

Happy worm farming.