Why are the tips of my banana tree leaves turning brown?

The tips of banana tree leaves will turn brown if the plant is underwatered, overwatered, sunburnt, if there is a sudden change in temperature or if the tree suffers a nutrient deficiency. Banana tree leaf tips can also turn brown due to the natural process of the tree growing and replacing old leaves with new. 

This article will explore the top reasons why banana leaf tips turn brown and what you can do to prevent and solve this problem.

Banana plant with brown leaf tips on old leaves.

Why Banana Leaf Tips Turn Brown

In some cases the browning of banana tree leaf tips can be a natural process. During the growing season, it will replace its old leaves with new ones. Eventually the whole leaf will turn brown and drop off. You can clean up the tree before this happens by removing the old lower leaves when they start to turn brown.

If the central and younger leaves are turning brown on the tips it could be the sign of an underlying issue.

Overwatering or underwatering can both lead to brown leaves. If the tree is not receiving enough water, the leaves may curl dry out and and turn brown. On the other hand, if the tree is receiving too much water, root rot can occur, causing the leaves to droop, turn brown, and eventually fall off.

Sunburn is another common cause of brown leaves in banana trees. If the tree is exposed to direct sunlight for extended periods of time, the leaves can become damaged and turn brown.

Finally, nutrient deficiencies can also cause brown leaves. Make sure your banana tree is receiving the proper amount of nutrients, especially potassium and nitrogen which is essential for healthy leaf growth.

Top 9 Causes of Brown Leaf Tips on Banana Trees

Here are the most common possible causes of brown leaf tips on banana trees and how you can solve each one.

1. Regular Leaf Drop

Banana trees grow new leaves from the center stem getting taller and taller. Over time the outer leaves will turn brown and eventually drop off as they are replaced by new leaves. You can remove the outer leaves once they turn brown or let them drop off naturally.

The best way to remove these leaves is with long cutters. Make sure they are sharp for the best results so you can remove the leaf cleanly. Any dead leaves can be placed in your compost pile if they are not diseased.

Brown leaf edges on old banana leaves
Banana leaves will start to turn brown at the tips when they are ready to be replaced by new leaves.

2. Sunburn

Too much sun, particularly during the hottest parts of the day can cause banana leaves to burn . The excessive heat and UV radiation can cause the leaves to scorch and turn brown on the tips. This damage disrupts the plant’s ability to photosynthesize effectively, affecting its overall health. Providing shade or adjusting the plant’s positioning can help prevent sunburn and maintain vibrant green leaves. This is more likely to happen in hot, arid climates where humidity levels are lower compared to tropical regions. 

Planting multiple banana plants together if you have the space or allowing them to get the shade of nearby trees in the afternoon is a great way to protect then from the harsh summer sunlight in a hot and dry climate. 

3. Temperature Stress

Banana trees prefer warm temperatures and can be sensitive to fluctuations. If your banana tree is exposed to temperatures that are too cold or too hot, the leaves may begin to brown and curl on the edges and tips. Banana trees do not like cold weather or frosts so keep them protected.

For smaller plants you can protect them temporarily by placing hessian over their leaves when a frost is predicted. Remove the hessian once the frost has passed to allow their leaves to get sunlight. For smaller potted banana plants you can move them under the protection of a verandah or shade house. This will help to keep the temperature more consistent and protect them from frosts.

4. Too Much Water

Banana trees that are given excess water can develop brown leaf tips as there can be a lack of oxygen in the soil. Excessive moisture restricts root respiration and nutrient absorption, causing root damage. This limits the plant’s ability to transport essential nutrients to the leaves, resulting in brown discoloration at the leaf tips. 

To avoid this allow the soil to dry slightly between waterings. Make sure you plant new banana plants in well-draining soil. Mix some well aged compost into your soil before planting to improve drainage. I also like to apply a thick layer of bark mulch or straw mulch around the base to regulate the amount of water reaching the roots during periods of high rainfall. Keep mulch 2-3 inches back from the banana stems to avoid rot.

5. Irregular Watering

Watering is key to keeping your banana tree healthy and too much or too little can cause browning on the tips of the leaves. When the soil dries out the plant will develop yellow leaves and then they will turn brown on the tips as water cannot be circulated effectively. The solution to this problem is as easy as deep, regular watering during the summer months and during the winter when there is low rainfall.

When a banana tree is overwatered it can also cause the leaves to brown. The brown areas will usually appear closer to the center of the leaves rather than on the tips but the leaf itself will still die off.Cut off any leaves that are turning brown as the will not grow back. This will encourage the banana tree to grow new leaves from the center of the tree and recover.

Large banana plants with old leaves turning brown ready to be trimmed.
This banana plant is naturally replacing old leaves with new.

6. Lack of Nutrients

Banana plants that are lacking a key nutrient can cause the leaves to turn brown. Nitrogen is the likely cause of browning leaves due to nutrient deficiency so a quick feed of liquid nitrogen fertilizer can help the tree recover.

Banana trees grown in good quality soil actually require very few additional nutrients. My banana tree has been growing in the same soil for 3 years and I never fertilize it. Other than regular watering the tree is self sufficient as long as it has access to good quality soil to start with.

If your soil is poor or your tree has been growing for many years, you may need to give it a nutrient boost. A good all round organic fertilizer applied in Spring will provide macro and micro nutrients to prevent the leaves browning due to deficiencies.

Banana plants with brown leaves can mean they need more water.
Browning tips can be caused by too dry.

7. Lack of Water

Banana plants that are not getting enough water can develop brown leaf tips quickly. If the soil does not hold water well or if you are getting hot weather over the warmer months the banana tree can suffer. Indoor banana trees are more likely to dry out compared to those growing in the ground. They have less soil in their pot to hold moisture and the lack of water can cause browning on the leaves.

Simply remove leaves with significant browning and water the banana plant well. A good way to keep soil moisture in for longer is to apply 2-3 inches of straw or bark mulch around the plant. You can also apply a liquid seaweed solution which will help to condition the soil and keep the soil moisture in for longer. Make sure you water at the base of the plant and avoid getting water on the leaves.

For potted banana plants, take the pot outside if you can and water the whole plant thoroughly. This can help to soak hydrophobic potting soil and encourage the plant to absorb more water quickly. Always allow the pot to drain completely as the roots of the banana tree can quickly rot if left in water.

8. Lack of Sunlight

Lack of sunlight is another common cause of browning of leaf tips in indoor potted banana trees. To give your tree more light, take it outside into dappled shade to give it the opportunity to increase its rate of photosynthesis which will increase the energy transfer and help the new leaves stay green. If your outdoor banana plant is getting too much shade from nearby trees, you may need to trim them to allow your plant to get more light.

Close up of brown edges on banana leaves.
Bright light for indoor and outdoor banana trees can prevent browning leaf tips.

9. Over Fertilization

While banana trees do require nutrients to grow, over-fertilizing can lead to browning leaves. Too much nitrogen, in particular, can cause the tips of the leaves to turn brown. Make sure to follow the recommended dosage on your fertilizer and avoid applying too much. If you have prepared your soil well, you will rarely need to fertilize your banana plant. A simple organic fertilizer like pelleted chicken manure once per year is usually enough to keep them happy.

Should I cut the brown leaves off my banana plant?

Once the banana leaf has turned brown on the tips the leaf will not recover so you can cut it off. The only time I would leave banana leaves on that have turned brown is if there are only 2-3 leaves left on the plant.

Wait for new leaves to sprout through the top of the trunk then remove the browning leaves that are lower down. Cut the leaves back close to the trunk, leaving only a few inches. The leaf stem will eventually brown completely and drop off of the tree trunk.

How to Identify the Cause of Brown Leaves on Banana Plants

If you notice that the tips of your banana tree leaves are turning brown, it is essential to identify the specific problem causing this issue. There are several reasons why this may occur, including underwatering, overwatering, sunburn, cold spells, nutrient deficiency, and pests.

One way to determine the cause of the problem is to inspect the leaves carefully. If the browning is limited to the tips, it is likely due to natural leaf growth and replacement. However, if the browning is more widespread, it may be due to a lack of water or nutrients.

Another way to determine the cause of the problem is to assess the conditions in which the banana tree is growing. For example, if the tree is in direct sunlight for an extended period, it may be experiencing sunburn. If the tree is not getting enough water, the leaves may be turning brown due to dehydration.

It is also essential to check the soil’s moisture level and nutrient content. If the soil is too dry or too wet, it can cause the leaves to turn brown. Similarly, if the soil lacks essential nutrients, such as nitrogen, potassium, and magnesium, the leaves may turn yellow and brown.

In some cases, pests such as nematodes, thrips, banana aphids, spider mites and coconut scales can cause the leaves to turn brown. If you suspect that pests are the cause of the problem, you should inspect the tree carefully to identify the specific pest and take appropriate measures to eliminate it.

How to Prevent Brown Leaves on Banana Leaves

To prevent brown tips on your banana tree leaves, there are several strategies you can follow. Proper watering, balanced fertilization, temperature control, and regular inspection are some of the most important ones.

Proper Watering

One of the most common reasons for brown tips on banana tree leaves is improper watering. Overwatering or underwatering can cause stress to the plant, leading to brown tips. To prevent this, make sure to water the plant only when the soil is dry to the touch. Use a moisture meter to determine the moisture level of the soil. Ensure that the soil is well-draining to prevent waterlogging.

Balanced Fertilization

Another important strategy to prevent brown tips on banana tree leaves is balanced fertilization. Banana trees require adequate nutrients to grow healthy leaves. However, overfertilization can lead to nutrient burn, causing brown tips on the leaves. If you are using chemical fertilizers, choose one with an NPK ratio of 8-10-8 or 10-10-10 to provide the necessary nutrients to the plant or a simple organic fertilzer like pelletized chicken manure. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for application.

Temperature Control

Banana trees are tropical plants and require warm temperatures to grow healthy leaves. However, extreme temperatures can cause stress to the plant, leading to brown tips. Keep the plant in a location with a temperature range of 60-80°F (15-27°C). Protect the plant from direct sunlight, which can cause sunburn and brown tips on the leaves.

Regular Inspection

Regular inspection of the banana tree is crucial to prevent brown tips on the leaves. Inspect the plant for pests and diseases, which can cause stress to the plant and lead to brown tips. Remove any infected or damaged leaves immediately to prevent the spread of the infection. Prune the plant regularly to improve air circulation and reduce moisture levels around the plant.

By following these prevention strategies, you can maintain healthy banana tree leaves and prevent brown tips.

Treating Diseases and Pests

Finally, brown leaves on banana trees can also be caused by diseases or pests. If you notice any signs of disease or pest infestation, such as brown spots or holes in the leaves, you should take immediate action. Look for a pesticide or fungicide that is safe for banana trees and follow the instructions carefully to prevent further damage.

Trim off old leaves

To keep your banana tree looking healthy and provide the space and light for new leaves to grow remove any browning leaves. I like to wait for the leaves to droop a little so they are easy to reach and then snip them off at the base with sharp secateurs.


There are several reasons why the tips of your banana tree leaves may be turning brown. It could be due to over or under watering, lack of nutrients, temperature fluctuations, fungal disease, or pest infestation.

To prevent brown tips on your banana tree leaves, it is important to ensure that the soil is well-draining and that you are watering it properly. Additionally, make sure that the tree is getting enough nutrients, especially nitrogen, which is essential for healthy growth.

If you notice any signs of fungal disease or pest infestation, it is important to take action immediately to prevent further damage to your tree. This may involve using organic or chemical treatments, depending on the severity of the problem.

By taking these steps and being vigilant about the health of your banana tree, you can help ensure that it remains healthy and vibrant for years to come.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I prevent brown spots on my banana plant leaves?

To prevent brown spots on your banana plant leaves, make sure to water your plant regularly and keep the soil moist. Also, avoid over-fertilizing your plant as this can cause leaf burn and discoloration. Additionally, make sure your banana plant is getting enough sunlight and is not exposed to cold temperatures.

What causes the tips of banana tree leaves to turn brown?

The tips of banana tree leaves can turn brown due to several reasons, including underwatering, overwatering, sunburn, cold spells, nutrient deficiency, and pests. Make sure to water your plant regularly and maintain the right balance of nutrients to avoid leaf discoloration.

How can I save my indoor banana plant from dying?

To save your indoor banana plant from dying, make sure to provide it with adequate sunlight and water. Also, avoid over-fertilizing your plant as this can cause leaf burn and discoloration. Additionally, make sure your plant is not exposed to cold temperatures and pests.

What are some cold hardy banana varieties that can withstand winter?

Some cold hardy banana varieties that can withstand winter include Musa basjoo, Musa sikkimensis, and Musa velutina. These varieties can tolerate temperatures as low as -20°F and can grow in USDA zones 5-11.

What are the signs that my banana plant is dying in winter?

Some signs that your banana plant is dying in winter include yellowing leaves, leaf drop, and stunted growth. Additionally, your plant may show signs of frost damage, such as blackened leaves and stems.

How often should I water my banana tree to prevent leaf discoloration?

To prevent leaf discoloration, you should water your banana tree regularly and keep the soil moist. However, make sure not to overwater your plant as this can cause root rot and other issues. A good rule of thumb is to water your plant once a week or when the top inch of soil feels dry to the touch.

Why are the tips of my banana tree leaves turning brown? | Summary

The browning of leaf tips in banana trees can be part of the natural process of the tree growing and replacing old leaves with new. Check first that the tree is not suffering from the problems of underwatering, overwatering, sunburn or nutrient deficiency. Water the tree well and cut back any old leaves.