Why is My Yucca Plant Drooping? | 6 Causes and Easy Solutions

Yucca plants are hardy but they can droop if they are not getting enough water, light or if there is a sudden drop in temperature. Pests can also cause damage to the leaves which can cause them to bend and droop over.

This article will explore the top causes of yucca plants drooping and will give you some easy solutions that you can implement at home.

My yucca has been growing in the same pot for 4 years. Once the plant fills the pot and runs out of room then the roots will struggle to get the nutrients it needs to grow. Once the roots cannot access enough water and nutrients the plant leaves can droop and the whole plant can lean.

Top 6 Causes of Yucca Plants Drooping and Solution

Here are the top causes of yucca plants drooping and how to solve each one.

1. Overwatering

Overwatering is the top cause of yucca plants drooping. The leaves will react quickly to too much water bending and drooping. Overwatering can cause a number of problems for yucca plants including washing away essential nutrients such as nitrogen and iron. This can make the plant suffer, the leaves can start to turn yellow and will droop.

Overwatering can also cause root rot or fungal growth on the ends of roots. Roots will turn brown or black and can die back. Once the roots have been damaged they will no longer be able to absorb the nutrients they need. This can cause the leaves to droop and root damage can cause the whole stem to droop and lean.

Overwatering yucca plants can also cause compaction of the soil or will wash excess organic matter out the bottom of the pot. Once the potting soil has lost its organic matter then the soil will not hold water well. The water will continue to rush out the bottom and the plant will not be able to absorb what it needs.


Yucca plants that have been severely overwatered will benefit from repotting. Choose a pot that is 1 inch larger than your current plant pot if it has outgrown its pot. Choose premium potting soil or you can use succulent soil. This will allow good drainage and will have plenty of air space to allow the roots to expand.

This will help the yucca to stand upright, prevent it from leaning and will help the drooping leaves to recover. If the leaves have not turned brown they will turn green again and can stand back up. Any leaves or leaf tips that have turned brown can be trimmed off to allow more light to reach the healthy leaves.

Make sure you reduce your watering schedule for overwatered yucca plants. Check the soil with your finger before adding more water and avoid leaving the pot sitting in a pot tray with water. If the soil is dry 2 inches down then you can deep water the plant.

Most yucca plants will only need watering once every 7-10 days in the warmer months. Reduce this to suit your climate in spring, winter and fall when the weather is cooler.

2. Underwatering

Underwatering yucca plants can cause the leaves to droop. A lack of water can be as damaging as overwatering these drought hardy plants. The roots are incredibly efficient at absorbing water but if they are left to dry out too long the leaves will droop, turn yellow and brown.

Potted yuccas are more likely to dry out compared to those grown in the ground.  The smaller the pot is the more quickly it will dry out. The only way to truly know whether your yucca needs more water is to test the water.

Sticking a popsicle stick into the soil 2 inches below the surface is a great way to check the soil moisture content. If the stick comes out clean then the plant needs more water. Take the pot outside if you can and deep water the plant using your hose. Put water across the surface of the roots to allow the plant pot to absorb as much water as possible.

Allow the water to drain out until it is no longer coming out of the bottom drainage holes. You can then return your plant to its pot tray outside. If you have a self-watering plant pot, tip the excess water out of the hole so the roots are not continually wet.

3. Lack of light

Yucca plants that are not getting enough light can develop drooping leaves. The leaves that are not getting enough sunlight will not be photosynthesizing as efficiently and won’t be making the carbohydrates it needs for good growth.

Yuccas can grow in full shade but this usually only works outdoors. They love a sunny position and will grow best in at least 6 hours of sunlight outdoors. For indoor yucca plants, placing them near a window is a great option. Keep them at least 2 feet away so they don’t get burnt by the radiant heat.

Keep an eye on the soil and water it more often if it begins to dry out. Yucca plants that are getting more light and heat will tend to dry out faster, just remember to top up the water.

4. Too much fertilizer

Yucca plants that are getting too much fertilizer can develop drooping leaves. Yuccas need only small amounts of fertilizer and giving them too much can quickly cause damage.

I like to fertilize my outdoor yuccas with a handful of pelleted chicken manure once per year. I do this in spring and water it in well. Pelleted chicken manure will slowly break down and release over around 3-6 months delivering a rang of nutrients gently including nitrogen.

For indoor yucca plants choose a succulent fertilizer or a general indoor plant fertilizer. Add this once per year in spring and water it in well.

5. Sudden drop in temperature

Yucca plants that experience a sudden drop in temperature can cause the leaves to droop. When the temperature drops below 40 degrees Fahrenheit, especially if this happens fast the plant can be shocked and the leaves will droop down.

Move outdoor potted yuccas to a protected area if you are expecting frosts. You can also thrown an old sheet or hessian bag over the top to protect them. Remember to remove these when the frosts have passed so they can get back into the light.

6. Yucca weevils

Yucca Weevil Scyphophorus. Yuccae can attack the main stems of the yucca plant and leaves causing them to droop. They are common in California and can live on the plants from late winter, through spring until summer. They are around ¾ of an inch long and are a dark black color.

Yucca weevils will suck sap from the leaf leaving a small brown or yellow mark. To prevent yucca weevils remove any plants that are dying from these weevils. Dispose of any plant material in green bins rather than putting it in your compost.

Growing healthy yuccas is also a great way to protect them from weevil attack. Plant them in soil that drains well, remove old leaves, trim any damaged stems and plant them in a full sun position.

Why is My Yucca Plant Drooping? | Summary

Yucca plants will droop if they are under stress from not enough water, light or warmth. Sudden cold weather, too much water and pest attack can cause problems with the yucca plants. Drooping leaves can be save and will straighten up if the problem is addressed quickly. As long as the leaf has not turned brown then it can recover fully.

Happy growing.