Do dwarf sunflowers come back every year? | 10 Tips to encourage self-seeding

Dwarf sunflowers are annual plants so they grow and complete their life cycle in one growing season so do not grow back from the same plant each year. Some varieties of dwarf sunflowers can re-seed themselves, which means that the seeds they drop can sprout and grow into new plants the following year.

The sunflowers that grow from the seeds may not be identical to the original plant, as they are cross pollinated.

To increase the chances of dwarf sunflowers returning each year, you can collect the seeds in the fall and store them in a cool, dry place until the following spring. You can then sow the seeds in the ground or in containers to grow new plants.

Growing dwarf sunflowers

The life cycle of dwarf sunflowers typically lasts for one growing season. The seed will germinate in the spring with the flowers appearing in the summer.

The flowers are typically pollinated by bees, butterflies, or other insects, which transfer pollen from the male to the female parts of the flower. This process is essential for the plant to produce seeds, which are the next stage in its life cycle.

As the flowers fade, the plant will start to produce seeds. The seeds will ripen over a period of several weeks, and then the plant will begin to die back. Once the plant has completely dried out, the seeds will drop to the ground, where they will remain dormant until the next growing season.

Several factors can affect the growth and survival of dwarf sunflowers. Good soil, water and sunlight will all help your dwarf sunflowers to re-grow the next year from the seeds leftover from your old sunflowers.

10 Ways to encourage dwarf sunflowers growing back each year

Check out the top ways you can encourage your sunflowers to grow back the next year.

1. Leave the old flower heads on the plant

Don’t cut off the finished sunflowers blooms, but instead let them remain on the plant until they dry out and turn brown. They will go very brown and the seed will dry out. They will eventually drop out of the flower head onto the ground where they can re-sprout the next year.

2. Choose heirloom

Choose an heirloom of variety of dwarf sunflower. These can be pollinated by bees and passing insects and will set seed. Some non-heirloom varieties have been bred so they won’t produce seed themselves so for seeds choose heirloom.

3. Plant sunflowers in groups or clusters

Planting sunflowers in groups will increase the chances of cross-pollination and produce more viable seeds. Bees will be more likely to find the flowers if they are in a group, transfer pollen from one flower to another and to allow the plants to set seed.

4. Choose a sunny location

Plant sunflowers in a sunny location with well-draining soil. This will encourage more flowers and more seeds. Many dwarf sunflower varieties will produce more than one flower per plant if they are grow in a location that gets at least 6 hours of sunlight per day.

5. Water sunflowers well during the growing season

Give your dwarf sunflowers plenty of water during the growing season. This will allow them to grow strong stems and healthy, full flower heads. Water them at the end of the day or in the morning and keep the water off of the leaves.

6. Add organic matter

Add extra organic matter to the soil before planting sunflowers and top dress. You can scatter light layers of aged compost around the plant to help to protect the roots, feed the soil microbes and encourage a strong root system. Adding organic matter will help improve soil fertility and create a healthy growing environment for the sunflowers.

For tips on how to grow sunflowers from seed, check out this video.

7. Avoid pesticides

Avoid using chemical fertilizers or pesticides. Chemicals can harm the beneficial insects that help with pollination and seed production which can reduce the rate of pollination of your sunflowers and seed production.

8. Add mulch

Mulch around the base of your sunflower plants to help retain moisture in the soil and prevent weeds from growing. This will give the plants the best chance of growing strong stems and healthy flower heads.

9. Let the plants drop seed

Let your sunflowers dry off and drop seed. It can take up to a month for the flower to die back and for the seeds to form.

10. Leave the dead sunflowers for as long as possible

Don’t clear away the dead sunflower plants in the fall. Leave them standing throughout the winter to provide shelter for birds and other wildlife, and to allow any remaining seeds to fall to the ground. The stems will protect the seeds.

You can then pull the stems out of the ground and compost them.

Do dwarf sunflowers come back every year? | Summary

Dwarf sunflowers can grow each year if they are allowed to self-seed. Choose an heirloom variety and allow the seeds to dry on the flower head and drop to the ground. Dwarf sunflowers are annuals so the plants will sprout in spring, flower in summer and die back at the end of the summer season. With a bit of care you can grow new plants from the seeds leftover.

Happy growing.