Should Nutella Be Refrigerated After Opening? (Answered)

According to the official Nutella website, there is no need to refrigerate the product after opening it. This is because Nutella does not contain any ingredients that require refrigeration. It is important to store it in a cool, dry place to maintain its quality. It gets too hot it can become too runny and difficult to spread. Store it in a cool, dry place like a kitchen cupboard or pantry.

If you live in a warm climate or prefer a firmer Nutella texture you can refrigerate it. This will help to stop it becoming too runny.

It is also important to always use a clean utensil when scooping out Nutella to prevent contamination and the growth of bacteria. Make sure you keep an eye on the expiration date to avoid it going bad.

Key Takeaways

  • Nutella does not need to be refrigerated after opening.
  • Storing Nutella at room temperature is ideal for maintaining its quality and texture.
  • Refrigeration can have negative effects on Nutella’s quality and texture.

This article will explore whether or not you should store your Nutella in the fridge and some simple tips for safe storage.

Does Nutella need to be refrigerated before opening?

Nutella is a popular chocolate hazelnut spread that is loved by many. However, there is some confusion about whether or not Nutella needs to be refrigerated before opening. Check whether or not Nutella needs to be refrigerated.

The official recommendation

The official recommendation from Ferrero, the company that produces Nutella, is that Nutella does not need to be refrigerated before opening. According to the company, Nutella should be stored at room temperature, between 64 and 72 degrees Fahrenheit (18 to 22 degrees Celsius).

Why Nutella does not need to be refrigerated

There are a few reasons why you don’t need to refrigerate Nutella. It is high in sugar, which acts as a natural preservative. This means that Nutella can last for a long time without spoiling, even if it is not refrigerated.

Refrigeration can change the texture of Nutella. When Nutella is too cold it can become hard and difficult to spread.

Refrigeration can also cause condensation to form inside the jar, which can lead to spoilage. If you do choose to refrigerate Nutella, make sure you put the jar lid on tight so air and moisture cannot get in or out.

While the official recommendation is that Nutella does not need to be refrigerated before opening, it is ultimately up to you to decide how you want to store your Nutella. If you prefer a softer, more spreadable texture, you may want to store your Nutella at room temperature.

However, if you live in a hot and humid climate, or if you are concerned about spoilage, refrigeration may be a good option for you.

Should Nutella be refrigerated after opening?

There is no need to refrigerate Nutella after opening. The sugar in the Nutella will help it ot stay safe unrefrigerated. It helps to preserve the spread and will stop bacteria from growing. Keep the jar cool and make sure the lid is on tight to keep the air out.

How to properly store Nutella

To properly store Nutella, you should keep it in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and heat sources. This means that you should avoid storing Nutella near the stove or in a sunny spot on your kitchen counter. Instead, you should store it in a pantry or cupboard that is away from any sources of heat.

If you live in a hot and humid area can store it in the refrigerator if you prefer. This will keep it cooler but can make the spread to become harder. If you do choose to refrigerate Nutella, be sure to bring it to room temperature before using it.

How to tell if Nutella has gone bad

Nutella has a long shelf life and can last for several months after opening if stored properly. However, if you notice any changes in the color, texture, or smell of your Nutella, it may have gone bad.

Nutella has gone bad if it has a sour or rancid smell, if it has changed color to gray or green, or has a moldy appearance.

If you suspect that your Nutella has gone bad, it’s best to throw it away. Eating bad Nutella can make you unwell. To avoid wasting Nutella, make sure to store it properly and use it before the expiration date.


Whether or not you should refrigerate your Nutella after opening depends on your personal preference. Refrigeration can stop it from becoming too runny if you live in a hot climate. If you prefer your Nutella to be soft and spreadable, then you may want to keep it at room temperature.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does Nutella last in the fridge?

Nutella can last up to a year when stored at room temperature. If you decide to refrigerate it, you can expect it to last for up to a month. However, it’s important to note that refrigeration can cause the texture of Nutella to change, making it harder and less spreadable.

How long does Nutella last after the expiration date?

While Nutella has a long shelf life, it’s important to check the expiration date before consuming it. Once Nutella has expired, it’s best to discard it as it may not taste as good or be safe to eat.

Where should Nutella be stored?

Nutella should be stored in a cool, dry place at room temperature, ideally between 64°F and 72°F. Avoid storing it in direct sunlight or in a place where it may be exposed to heat or moisture.

What does bad Nutella look like?

Bad Nutella may appear discolored, dry, or have an off smell. If you notice any of these signs, it’s best to discard it.

Does Nutella go bad if not refrigerated?

No, Nutella does not need to be refrigerated. In fact, refrigeration can cause the texture of Nutella to change, making it harder and less spreadable. As long as it’s stored in a cool, dry place at room temperature, Nutella can last up to a year.

Why can’t you put Nutella in the fridge?

Putting Nutella in the fridge can cause the texture to change, making it harder and less spreadable. Additionally, refrigeration can cause condensation to form inside the jar, which can lead to mold growth and spoilage. Therefore, it’s best to store Nutella at room temperature.