Do Deer Eat Asparagus? (Answered)

Deer will eat asparagus particularly young shoots. They will generally avoid established older asparagus because it is harder and bitter. To keep deer away from your asparagus plants use scent-based repellents, noise and visual deterrents, tall fencing or electric fencing posts.

In this article, we’ll explore more about how to protect your asparagus from deer.

Do Deer Eat Asparagus?

Deer have been known to eat young asparagus plants, especially during the spring when the plants are just emerging from the ground. However, they tend to avoid established older asparagus stems. Asparagus is categorized as deer-resistant, but deer will eat anything if they are hungry enough.

How to Protect Your Asparagus Plants from Deer

If you want to protect your asparagus plants from deer, there are several steps you can take. Here are some tips:

  • Install a fence around your garden to keep deer out. Deer can jump high, so make sure the fence is at least 8 feet tall.
  • Use deer repellents, such as sprays or granules. These products contain chemicals that make the plants taste bad to deer.
  • Plant deer-resistant plants around your garden to deter deer from entering.
  • Use motion-activated sprinklers to scare deer away from your garden.

By understanding deer diet and taking the necessary precautions, you can protect your asparagus plants from deer damage.

Impact of Deer on Asparagus Garden

Asparagus is a delicious vegetable that many people love to grow in their gardens. However, deer are known to be a significant threat to asparagus plants. They can cause a lot of damage to the plants by eating the tender shoots and foliage. This can lead to stunted growth and even death of the plant.

Deer are attracted to asparagus because of the leafy greens, high water content, taste, and easy availability. Your asparagus plants are most susceptible to deer damage when they are young and tender or when other food sources in their area have been depleted.

If you want to grow asparagus in your garden, you need to take steps to protect it from deer. Here are some of the ways deer can impact your asparagus garden:

  • Damage to the shoots and foliage: Deer can cause significant damage to the asparagus shoots and foliage by eating them. This can lead to stunted growth and even death of the plant.
  • Reduced yield: If your asparagus plants are damaged by deer, they will produce fewer spears, which will reduce your yield.
  • Increased susceptibility to disease: If deer damage your asparagus plants, they become more susceptible to diseases and pests, which can further reduce your yield.

To prevent deer from damaging your asparagus garden, you can take various measures, including:

  • Fencing: You can physically restrict deer by enclosing your entire yard or garden in fencing at least 6 feet tall.
  • Companion planting: Another way to keep deer out of the garden is by planting companion plants nearby. These are plants that deer don’t eat or that even deter deer. Some examples of asparagus companions that help keep deer away are basil, dill, Russian sage, and horseradish.
  • Repellents: You can use deer repellents to keep deer away from your asparagus garden. Some of the effective repellents include predator urine, soap, and garlic spray.
  • Scare tactics: You can use scare tactics like motion-activated sprinklers, noise makers, and flashing lights to scare deer away from your garden.

By taking these measures, you can protect your asparagus garden from deer damage and ensure a healthy yield of delicious asparagus spears.

How to Stop Deer Eating Asparagus

Asparagus is a favorite food of deer, and if you’re not careful, they can quickly destroy your garden. Fortunately, there are several preventive measures you can take to keep deer away from your asparagus plants. Here are some effective strategies:

Fencing Solutions

Fencing is one of the most effective ways to keep deer out of your garden. A sturdy fence that is at least 8 feet tall can provide a physical barrier that deer cannot jump over. You can also use electric fencing posts to create a temporary fence around your asparagus bed during harvest season.

Repellents and Deterrents

There are several repellents and deterrents available that can help keep deer away from your garden. Scent-based repellents, such as those made from garlic or rotten eggs, can be effective in keeping deer at bay. You can also use motion-activated sprinklers or noise-making devices to scare off deer.

Plant Choices

Choosing the right plants can also help deter deer from your garden. Deer tend to avoid plants that have a strong scent, such as herbs like rosemary or lavender. You can also plant asparagus alongside other plants that deer don’t like, such as onions or garlic.

By taking these preventive measures, you can help protect your asparagus plants from hungry deer. Remember to choose the strategies that work best for your garden and adjust them as necessary to keep your asparagus safe and healthy.


While deer may eat asparagus, it is not one of their preferred foods. However, they may still cause damage to the plants by trampling over them as they emerge from the ground.

To protect your asparagus from hungry deer, there are several measures you can take. One effective method is to use electric fencing posts. These can be placed temporarily around your asparagus bed during harvest season, then removed for the remainder of the year.

Another way to keep deer away from your garden is to plant deer-resistant plants. While there is no such thing as a completely deer-proof plant, there are several options that are less attractive to deer. Some examples include daffodils, lavender, and yarrow.

Additionally, it is important to make your garden as least inviting to deer as possible. This can be achieved by removing any potential food sources, such as fallen fruit or birdseed, and by using deer repellents. There are several types of repellents available, including sprays, granules, and electronic devices.

Frequently Asked Questions

What vegetables can you plant that deer won’t eat?

Deer tend to avoid plants with strong odors, fuzzy or prickly leaves, or those that are toxic to them. Some vegetables that deer are less likely to eat include garlic, onions, leeks, chives, hot peppers, tomatoes, and squash. However, it’s important to note that hungry deer may still eat these plants if there are no other options available.

How do I keep deer out of my garden?

There are several methods to keep deer out of your garden, including:

  • Installing a fence that is at least 8 feet tall
  • Using motion-activated sprinklers or lights
  • Applying deer repellents or deterrents, such as predator urine or soap bars
  • Planting deer-resistant plants
  • Creating physical barriers, such as netting or cages

Will deer eat asparagus stalks?

Yes, deer will eat young asparagus plants, especially when they are first planted. However, they are less likely to eat established older asparagus plants.

Do rabbits eat asparagus?

Yes, rabbits will eat asparagus plants, especially when they are young and tender. They may also gnaw on the woody stems of older plants.

How to protect asparagus from animals?

To protect asparagus from animals, you can:

  • Install a fence around the asparagus bed
  • Use netting or cages to cover individual plants
  • Apply deer or rabbit repellents or deterrents
  • Plant companion plants that repel animals, such as marigolds or garlic

What animals eat asparagus?

In addition to deer and rabbits, other animals that may eat asparagus include groundhogs, squirrels, and birds.