Do Deer Like Garlic? | Here’s How to Keep Them Out Your Garden

Deer dislike the strong scent of garlic. The pungent smell can act as a natural deterrent for deer so planting it around your garden can keep them away. Garlic-based sprays can also help deter deer from feeding on your plants. The smell of garlic can mask the desirable scents of plants, making them less attractive to deer.

Do Deer Like Garlic?

Garlic is not a plant that deer typically seek out as a food source. The strong odor of garlic repels deer, making it an effective natural deterrent. Many gardeners use garlic as a companion plant to protect their other crops from deer and other pests.

While deer do not like garlic, they may still eat parts of garlic plants if they are hungry enough. Therefore, it is important to take additional measures to protect your garlic plants from deer.

One way to protect your garlic plants is to use physical barriers. You can use fences or netting to keep deer out of your garden. Another option is to plant garlic in raised beds or containers that are difficult for deer to access.

Another way to deter deer from your garden is to use natural deer repellents. Garlic can be used as a natural deer repellent in gardens and yards. You can purchase garlic bulbs and plants to plant around your vegetable plants. Once your garlic starts growing, you can replant whatever you don’t eat or let it seed so you can store it up for next spring.

In addition to garlic, there are many other natural and humane ways to keep deer out of your garden. These include using plants that deer do not like, such as lavender and rosemary, and using scent-based repellents, such as peppermint oil and vinegar. By using a combination of these methods, you can effectively protect your garlic and other plants from deer damage.

How to Stop Deer from Eating Garlic

Deer are not known to eat garlic, but they may still cause damage to your garlic plants. Here are some methods you can use to prevent deer from eating your garlic:

Use of Deer Repellents

Deer repellents are a popular method for keeping deer away from gardens. These repellents work by emitting a scent that deer find unpleasant. There are many types of deer repellents available, including sprays, granules, and electronic devices. Some common natural deer repellents include garlic, pepper, and vinegar.

Garlic can be used as a natural deer repellent. You can make a garlic spray using fresh or dried cloves of garlic. Mix the garlic with water and spray it on your garlic plants. The smell of the garlic will repel deer, preventing them from coming close.

Fencing Your Garden

Fencing is another effective way to keep deer out of your garden. A sturdy fence will prevent deer from entering your garden and eating your garlic plants. The fence should be at least 8 feet tall and made of a material that deer cannot easily jump over or through.

Planting Deer-Resistant Plants

Another way to prevent deer from eating your garlic is to plant deer-resistant plants. Look for plants that are strong or spiny. Aloe vera, cactus, snake plant, agave and yuccas all work well to stop deer.

You can also plant garlic in a separate area of your garden that is less accessible to deer. Planting garlic in raised beds or containers can also make it more difficult for deer to reach.

Use of Scare Tactics

One way to deter deer from eating garlic in your garden is by using scare tactics. Loud noises, flashing lights, and motion-activated sprinklers are all effective ways to scare deer away. You can also use reflective materials, such as old CDs or foil, to create a visual deterrent. Place these items around your garden to create a confusing and intimidating environment for deer.

Another option is to use odor repellents, such as predator urine or human hair. These products mimic the scent of predators and can be effective in keeping deer away. You can also try planting garlic alongside other plants that deer find unappealing, such as lavender, mint, or marigolds.

Keep Your Dog in your Yard

Your dog can be a fantastic deer deterrent. Just the sight and smell of a large and medium sized dogs will often be enough to keep deer away. Another option is to use decoys or recordings of predators to create the illusion of danger. Repellant sprays with coyote or fox urine will keep deer away from your garlic. Spray it around the outside of the garden bed regularly.


While deer are not particularly fond of garlic, they may still eat it if they are hungry enough. Garlic can be used as a natural deer deterrent due to its pungent scent, but it may not be 100% effective in keeping deer away from your garden.

If you are looking for other natural ways to keep deer out of your garden, there are several options to consider. These include planting deer-resistant plants, using fencing or netting, and using other natural repellents such as lavender or sage.

It is important to note that while natural remedies can be effective, they may not work for every situation. If you are dealing with a severe deer problem, you may need to consider more drastic measures such as hiring a professional to install a deer-proof fence or using chemical repellents.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some natural ways to keep deer out of your garden?

There are several natural ways to keep deer out of your garden. One of the most effective ways is to install a deer-proof fence around your garden. You can also plant certain types of plants that deer don’t like, such as lavender, mint, and marigolds. Additionally, you can use natural deer repellents like garlic, human hair, and soap.

Can planting certain vegetables deter deer from eating garlic?

Planting certain vegetables can deter deer from eating garlic. For example, planting onions, chives, or other Allium plants near your garlic can help keep deer away. Deer tend to stay away from Allium plants due to their strong scent.

Are there any scents that deer dislike?

There are several scents that deer dislike. Deer have a strong sense of smell, and certain scents can be used to repel them. Some of the scents that deer dislike include peppermint, cinnamon, and citrus.

How effective are garlic clips as a deer repellent?

Garlic clips can be an effective deer repellent if used correctly. These clips contain a concentrated garlic oil that is released slowly over time, creating a strong odor that deer don’t like. However, the effectiveness of garlic clips can vary depending on the size of your garden and the number of clips you use.

What are some other animals that are known to eat garlic?

In addition to deer, other animals that are known to eat garlic include rabbits, groundhogs, and squirrels. These animals may be attracted to the strong scent of garlic and can cause damage to your garlic plants.

Is there a certain time of year when deer are more likely to eat garlic in gardens?

Deer are more likely to eat garlic in gardens during the fall and winter months when other food sources are scarce. However, they may also eat garlic during the spring and summer if they are hungry enough. It’s important to take steps to protect your garlic plants year-round to prevent damage from deer and other animals.