How often to water thyme | Winter, Summer + Spring and Fall

Water thyme once every week in summer, once every 2 weeks in spring and fall. water thyme every month in winter if you are getting good rainfall. Thyme is a Mediterranean herb that will grow better if it dries out between watering.

Creeping thyme will grow over a 30 inch area and will start to shade the soil. This will keep the soil moist for longer and therefore you will need to water thyme less often.

This article will explore all you need to know about watering thyme in winter, summer, spring and fall. These tips will keep your thyme growing and thriving in all weather.

How often to water thyme in summer

Thyme needs to be watered at least every week in summer to keep it happy. In very hot water weather you may need to increase the amount of water it gets. Water thyme every 3 days in the morning when the weather is warm and the soil is dry.

Test the soil with a spade or your finger to see if it is still damp 2 inches below the surface. Add water if you see that the soil is dry and give the plant a deep water to make sure the water reaches the deepest roots.

How often to water thyme in winter

Water thyme every month (4 weeks) in winter if the weather is dry. Mediterranean areas tend to get most of their yearly rainfall over winter which means that thyme can generally survive on its own without water. Adjust your watering depending on how regularly you get rain.

The cooler weather will mean that the soil will stay moist for longer when it does rain. I always mulch my thyme with bark mulch which helps to absorb excess water from the rain. The mulch will slowly release it out to the plant and help to prevent overwatering.

How often to water thyme in spring and fall

Thyme will need watering on average every 1-2 weeks in spring and fall. Rainfall can vary in spring and fall so it will be up to you to check the soil and add water once the thyme dries out.

Thyme will add a lot of growth in spring so will benefit from regular water. Thyme in pots will dry out quicker so you may need to add more to those growing in pots. Thyme in full sun will also dry out quicker so check it regularly.  

How to know thyme is getting too much water

Thyme can be overwatered very easily and it is more common than underwatering. You can tell that the thyme is overwatered because the stems will start to droop and the leaves will become black. As the extra water starts to damage the leaf cells they die off.

This is a good sign for you to start to reduce the amount of water you are giving your thyme. Add some more bark mulch to help to absorb the extra water and regulate the amount being absorbed into the soil.

How to know thyme is not getting enough water

Thyme that is not getting is not getting enough water will start to dry out, turn brown on the leaves and the stems. Lack of water is likely to happen in summer but it can happen during a dry spring or fall if you are not adding extra water.

If you notice the leaf tips drying out and turning brown it is definitely time to deep water your thyme plant. Repeat this again in 3 days to give them another boost of water and help them to recover from drying out.

Do thyme plants need a lot of water?

Thyme plants do not need lots of water and are actually a fantastic, drought tolerant plant. These Mediterranean herbs are used to dry, hot summers and cool winters with irregular rainfall. Thyme likes to dry out between watering and allow the surface of the soil to dry out before you water again.

Thyme are one of my favorite ground covers that can grow over a large area and shade the ground near flowers and under citrus trees. I have planted thyme near my orange tree to spread over the soil. Because thyme spreads I could plant it outside the root zone but still plant it close enough to the orange.

Thyme planted in sun needs more water

Thyme loves a full sun position and will grow larger and quicker if it is grown in this area. Thyme grown in full sun however will need to be watered more regularly than those grown in part shade.

Keep an eye on thyme planted in pots that are in full sun as the pot can heat up quickly. A dark colored pot looks great but can also warm up quickly and dry the soil. While thyme can tolerate this, don’t forget to check the soil and water them, particularly in summer.

How often to water thyme | Summary

Thyme loves regular water in summer and you may need to water it 1-2 times per week to keep them happy. Be aware of how moist the soil is and always add bark mulch to keep the water in for longer. I like to top up the mulch to 2 inches in spring and fall to keep the water in and prevent weeds.

Thyme is a great herb that is hardy, delicious and can be split into multiple plants to increase the number of plants you have for free.