Do Deer Eat Rhubarb? | How to Protect Your Plants

Rhubarb is one of the more deer-resistant plants that you can grow. The leaves of the rhubarb plant contain oxalic acid, which is toxic to both humans and animals. This makes rhubarb leaves unpalatable to deer, and they are unlikely to eat them unless they are desperate for food.

Rhubarb is an easy-to-grow perennial vegetable that can add a pop of color to your garden or landscape. However, if you live in an area with a high deer population, you may to take extra measures to protect your rhubarb.

Understanding Deer Diet

Deer are herbivores, meaning they only eat plants. Their diet mainly consists of leaves, twigs, and buds of trees and shrubs. They also eat grasses, fruits, and flowers. Understanding what deer eat is important in protecting your rhubarb plants.

Common Foods

Deer are known to eat a variety of plants, including:

  • Clover
  • Alfalfa
  • Soybeans
  • Corn
  • Wheat
  • Acorns
  • Apples

These are just a few of the common foods that deer eat. They will also eat other plants that are available in their environment.

Rare Foods

While deer are known to eat a variety of plants, there are some that they rarely consume. Rhubarb is one of these plants. Although deer may eat rhubarb in times of extreme hunger, it is not a common food source for them.

It is important to note that large quantities of rhubarb (5-10 pounds or more) can be toxic and potentially fatal to deer due to its high oxalic acid content. This may be why deer tend to avoid rhubarb unless they are desperate for food.

Understanding what deer eat can help you protect your rhubarb plants from being eaten. By planting other plants that are more appealing to deer, you can help deter them from eating your rhubarb. Using physical barriers or deer repellents can also be effective in protecting your plants.

How to Stop Deer from Eating your Rhubarb

Rhubarb is one of the more deer-resistant plants that you can grow. While no plant is completely “deer-proof,” rhubarb can cause problems for deer. Rhubarb has a bitter taste, and the leaves are tough and fibrous, making them difficult for deer to digest. The oxalic acid in rhubarb can also cause kidney damage, which is another reason why deer avoid it.

Deer are unpredictable, and at times, they may eat even the most “deer-resistant” plants. However, planting rhubarb in your garden can help deter deer from eating other plants in your garden. Rhubarb is also a great addition to your garden because it is easy to grow and requires little maintenance.

To protect your rhubarb from deer, you can try the following methods:

  • Fencing: Install a 6-foot-tall fence around your garden to keep deer out.
  • Repellents: Use deer repellents, such as sprays or granules, to keep deer away from your garden.
  • Companion planting: Plant rhubarb with other deer-resistant plants, such as garlic, onions, and chives, to help deter deer from eating your rhubarb.

In conclusion, while deer are generally not known to eat rhubarb, they may consume it in times of extreme hunger. Rhubarb is a great addition to your garden because it is easy to grow and requires little maintenance. To protect your rhubarb from deer, you can try fencing, repellents, or companion planting.

Protecting Your Rhubarb from Deer

If you are concerned about deer eating your rhubarb, there are several options available to protect your plants. In this section, we will discuss three common methods: fencing options, repellents, and plant companions.

Fencing Options

Fencing is one of the most effective ways to keep deer out of your garden. Here are some fencing options to consider:

  • Electric fence: This is the most effective type of fence, as it gives deer a shock if they try to enter your garden. However, it can be expensive and requires professional installation.
  • Netting: This is a more affordable option that can be easily installed around your garden. However, it may not be as effective as an electric fence.
  • Physical barrier: A tall, sturdy fence can also be effective, but it may not be the most inexpensive or simplest option.


Repellents can be a good option if you don’t want to install a fence. Here are some types of repellents to consider:

  • Spray repellents: These can be sprayed directly onto your plants and can be effective in deterring deer. However, they may need to be reapplied frequently.
  • Odor repellents: These types of repellents emit a strong odor that deer find unpleasant. They can be effective, but may also be unpleasant for humans to be around.
  • Ultrasonic repellents: These emit a high-pitched noise that deer find unpleasant. They can be effective, but may not work as well in windy or rainy conditions.

Plant Companions

Planting certain types of plants alongside your rhubarb can also help deter deer. Here are some plant companions to consider:

  • Lavender: Deer find the scent of lavender unpleasant, so planting it around your rhubarb can help keep them away.
  • Garlic: Deer also dislike the scent of garlic, so planting it around your rhubarb can be effective.
  • Marigolds: These flowers have a strong scent that deer find unpleasant, so planting them around your garden can help deter deer.

Remember, no method is foolproof, so it’s important to use a combination of these methods to protect your rhubarb from deer.

Alternative Plants Deer Dislike

If you’re tired of deer munching on your garden, you can try planting alternative plants that they are less likely to eat. Here are a few options to consider:

  • Herbs: Deer tend to avoid herbs with strong scents, such as rosemary, thyme, sage, and mint. These herbs are not only deer-resistant but also make great additions to your cooking.
  • Ferns: Ferns are a great option for shady areas and are typically not on deer’s menu. Some deer-resistant ferns include lady fern, ostrich fern, and royal fern.
  • Ornamental grasses: Many ornamental grasses, such as fountain grass, blue fescue, and switchgrass, are deer-resistant and can add texture and interest to your garden.
  • Lavender: Lavender is a fragrant and beautiful plant that deer tend to avoid. It’s also drought-tolerant and low maintenance, making it a great option for busy gardeners.
  • Butterfly bush: The butterfly bush is a beautiful and easy-to-grow shrub that produces fragrant flowers that attract butterflies and hummingbirds. Luckily, deer tend to avoid it.

Remember, no plant is completely deer-proof, and hungry deer may still nibble on your garden. However, planting deer-resistant plants can help reduce the damage and keep your garden looking beautiful.


While deer are known to eat practically anything in their sight when they are hungry enough, rhubarb is not typically a preferred food choice for them. The tartness and high oxalic acid content in rhubarb leaves act as natural deterrents for these animals.

It is still important to take measures to protect your garden from deer, especially if you have a large population of them in your area. Some effective ways to keep deer away from your rhubarb and other plants include:

  • Fencing: Installing a sturdy fence around your garden can be an effective way to keep deer out. Make sure the fence is at least 8 feet tall and buried at least 1 foot deep in the ground to prevent deer from jumping over or digging under it.
  • Repellents: There are many natural and chemical deer repellents available on the market that can be sprayed on your plants to deter deer from eating them. Some common natural repellents include garlic, hot pepper spray, and soap.
  • Companion planting: Planting certain herbs and flowers around your rhubarb can help repel deer. Some examples include lavender, mint, and marigolds.
  • Motion-activated sprinklers: These sprinklers can be set up to spray water when they detect motion, scaring deer away from your garden.

By taking these measures, you can enjoy a healthy and thriving rhubarb garden without worrying about it being eaten by deer.

Frequently Asked Questions

What animals are known to eat rhubarb leaves?

Deer are not known to eat rhubarb leaves because they contain oxalic acid, which is toxic to both humans and animals. However, other animals such as groundhogs, rabbits, and squirrels may eat rhubarb leaves if they are desperate for food.

Do squirrels or rabbits commonly eat rhubarb plants?

Squirrels and rabbits may eat rhubarb plants if they are hungry enough. However, they are less likely to eat the leaves because of the oxalic acid content. To protect your rhubarb from these animals, you can use fencing or netting to cover the plants.

What are some vegetables that deer tend to avoid?

Deer tend to avoid vegetables that have a strong scent or taste, such as garlic, onions, and hot peppers. They also avoid plants with a rough or fuzzy texture, like squash and cucumbers.

How can I protect my rhubarb plant from wildlife?

To protect your rhubarb plant from wildlife, you can use physical barriers such as fencing or netting. You can also use repellents like hot pepper spray or predator urine. Another option is to plant companion plants that deer do not like, such as lavender or rosemary.

What are some effective ways to keep deer from eating my plants?

Some effective ways to keep deer from eating your plants include using motion-activated sprinklers, installing scare devices like reflective tape or noise makers, and planting deer-resistant plants. You can also try using repellents like garlic or predator urine.

Is rhubarb a natural repellent for deer or other animals?

Rhubarb is not a natural repellent for deer or other animals. In fact, rhubarb leaves are toxic to both humans and animals, so it is not recommended as a repellent. Instead, use proven methods like physical barriers and repellents to protect your plants.