Do Deer Eat Daisies? | 7 Ways to Protect Your Plants

Deer are known to feed on a variety of plants in the wild, including daisies. Daisies are a very attractive food source for deer because they are high in protein and other nutrients. When food sources are scarce deer will eat both wild daisies and those in your yard. To protect your plants from deer make sure you have a strong fence, plant prickly plants or those with a strong odour like onions.

This article will explore more about when deer eat daisies and how you can protect the plants in your yard.

Why Deer Eat Daisies

Deer are herbivores and their diet primarily consists of plants and vegetation. They graze on a variety of plants, including flowers, shrubs, and trees. Not all plants are equally appealing to deer. Some plants, such as daisies, are less attractive to deer due to their taste or scent.

Deer have a preference for certain types of plants, and their diet can vary depending on the season and availability of food. In the spring and summer, deer tend to feed on tender shoots, leaves, and flowers. During the fall and winter, they shift their diet to woody plants, such as twigs and bark.

Deer have a complex digestive system that allows them to break down tough plant material. They are able to extract nutrients from tough plants that other herbivores cannot digest.

Deer are also selective feeders, and they tend to avoid plants that are toxic or unpalatable. For example, deer tend to avoid plants with a bitter taste or strong odor. They also tend to avoid plants that have prickly leaves or thorns.

7 Ways to Protect Your Daisies from Deer

To protect your daisies from deer, it is important to understand their feeding habits and preferences. Here are some things to keep in mind:

  • Availability: The availability of other food sources in the area will determine whether deer turn to daisies as a source of nutrition.
  • Season: The time of year can also impact deer preferences, as they may be more likely to consume daisies during periods of scarce food supply.
  • Plant defense mechanisms: Daisies may have natural defense mechanisms, such as bitter compounds, that deter deer from eating them like rhubarb.

To further protect your daisies from deer, you can try the following methods:

  • Fencing: A physical barrier, such as a fence, can be an effective way to keep deer away from your garden.
  • Repellents: There are a variety of deer repellents available on the market, including sprays, granules, and electronic devices. These products work by emitting scents or sounds that deer find unpleasant.
  • Companion planting: Planting deer-resistant plants alongside your daisies can help deter deer from eating them. Examples of deer-resistant plants include daffodils, foxglove, and monkshood.

By understanding deer feeding habits and preferences, and using the right methods to protect your daisies, you can enjoy a beautiful garden without worrying about deer damage.

1. Using Deer-Resistant Plants

One of the most effective ways to protect your daisies from deer is to plant deer-resistant species. These plants typically contain toxins that either taste bitter or cause physical discomfort to the deer. Examples of deer-resistant plants that are toxic to deer include daffodils, foxglove, and monkshood. Fragrant foliage also works as a deterrent to deer.

2. Installing Physical Barriers

Installing physical barriers around your daisy plants is another effective way to keep deer at bay. You can use fences, netting, or other physical barriers to create a boundary that deer cannot cross. Make sure that the barriers are at least six feet high and extend at least six inches underground to prevent deer from jumping or digging under them.

3. Applying Deer Repellents

Deer repellents are another effective way to protect your daisies. You can use chemical repellents, such as sprays or granules, or natural repellents, such as fox or coyote urine or soap. Be sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully and reapply the repellents regularly.

4. Scare Tactics

Scare tactics can also be effective in keeping deer away from your daisies. You can use noise-making devices, such as wind chimes or motion-activated sprinklers, to scare deer away. You can also hang shiny objects, such as CDs or aluminum foil, near your plants to create a visual deterrent.

5. Introducing Predators

Introducing natural predators, such as dogs can also help keep deer away from your daisies. Keeping your dog outside during the day will help to protect your daisies from deer.

6. Change Your Garden Layout

Altering your garden layout can also help protect your daisies. You can plant your daisies in raised beds or containers to make them more difficult for deer to access. You can also plant them in areas that are less visible to deer, such as behind other plants or near buildings.

7. Adopting Deer-Resistant Gardening Practices

Ddopting deer-resistant gardening practices can help protect your daisies. Avoid planting deer-attractive plants, such as hostas or impatiens, and plant deer-resistant species instead. Keep your garden clean and tidy, remove fallen leaves that can attract deer and keep your lawn short.

By using these methods, you can protect your daisies from deer and enjoy a beautiful garden.

Factors Attracting Deer to Gardens

Deer are attracted to gardens for various reasons, including the availability of food, shelter, and water. Here are some factors that attract deer to gardens:


Deer are herbivores and feed on a variety of plants, including daisies. They are attracted to gardens that have a variety of plants and flowers that they can feed on. Some plants are more attractive to deer than others, and it is important to know which plants to avoid if you want to keep deer away from your garden.


Deer prefer gardens that provide shelter from predators and harsh weather conditions. Gardens that have tall trees, shrubs, and other vegetation provide the perfect shelter for deer. They also prefer gardens that have natural cover, such as rock formations, hills, and valleys.


Deer need water to survive, and gardens that have a water source are more attractive to them. Water sources can include ponds, streams, and bird baths. If you have a water source in your garden, it is important to keep it clean and well-maintained to avoid attracting deer.

Time of Year

Deer are more likely to visit gardens during certain times of the year, such as the fall and winter months when food is scarce. They are also more likely to visit gardens during the early morning and late evening hours when it is cooler and quieter.


Deer have a keen sense of smell and are attracted to gardens that have a strong odor. This can include the smell of flowers, fruits, and vegetables. If you want to keep deer away from your garden, it is important to avoid planting plants that have a strong odor.


Deer are attracted to gardens that have bright colors. This can include the color of flowers, fruits, and vegetables. If you want to keep deer away from your garden, it is important to avoid planting plants that have bright colors.


Deer are more likely to visit gardens that are located near wooded areas and natural habitats. If you live in an area that is known for having a large deer population, it is important to take extra precautions to protect your garden.


Deer can eat daisies, but there are several ways to protect your plants from deer damage. One of the most effective ways to deter deer from eating your daisies is to plant deer-resistant varieties. Plants like daffodils, foxglove, and monkshood are toxic to deer and can help keep them away from your garden.

Another way to protect your daisies from deer is to plant fragrant plants that have a strong aroma. Deer tend to avoid plants with strong scents, so planting fragrant foliage like hyacinths can help keep them away from your daisies.

In addition to planting deer-resistant and fragrant plants, there are several other methods to protect your daisies from deer. These include using deer repellents, installing physical barriers like fences, and using motion-activated sprinklers.

It’s important to note that no method is 100% effective, and some deer may still find ways to eat your daisies. However, by using a combination of these methods, you can greatly reduce the chances of deer damage to your plants.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I protect my plants from deer?

There are several ways to protect your plants from deer. One effective method is to install physical barriers, such as fences or netting, around your garden. Another option is to use deer repellents, either store-bought or homemade. You can also try planting deer-resistant plants or using scare tactics, such as motion-activated sprinklers or noise-making devices.

What are some effective deer repellents?

Some effective deer repellents include commercial products such as Deer Off and Liquid Fence, as well as homemade solutions like garlic spray or hot pepper spray. These repellents work by creating an unpleasant taste or smell that deters deer from feeding on your plants.

Are there any plants that are naturally deer-resistant?

Yes, there are many plants that are naturally deer-resistant. Some examples include lavender, daffodils, marigolds, and snapdragons. However, it’s important to note that no plant is completely deer-proof, and hungry deer may still eat plants that are normally considered resistant.

What are some homemade deer repellent recipes?

There are many homemade deer repellent recipes that you can try. One popular recipe involves mixing together garlic, cayenne pepper, and water in a spray bottle. Another recipe uses a mixture of eggs, water, and hot sauce. These homemade repellents can be sprayed directly onto plants or applied around the perimeter of your garden.

What are the best ways to scare deer away?

There are several ways to scare deer away from your garden. One effective method is to use motion-activated sprinklers or noise-making devices, such as wind chimes or bells. You can also try hanging reflective objects, such as CDs or aluminum foil, around your garden to startle deer and deter them from feeding on your plants.

Do coffee grounds really keep deer away from plants?

There is some anecdotal evidence to suggest that coffee grounds can help keep deer away from plants. However, there is no scientific research to support this claim. If you want to try using coffee grounds, you can sprinkle them around the perimeter of your garden or mix them into the soil around your plants.