Supersoil vs Living Soil | 3 Key Differences

Supersoil and living soil are two popular choices for gardeners looking for a natural and organic way to grow their plants. Both types of soil are rich in nutrients and promote healthy plant growth, but they differ in their composition and how they are used. 

Supersoil is a specific mixture of organic materials designed to create a nutrient-dense environment for plants to grow. It is often pre-fertilized and contains a blend of ingredients such as compost, worm castings, bone meal, blood meal and kelp meal. Supersoil is a great option for those who want a ready-to-use soil mix without the need for additional amendments.

Living soil is a more complex ecosystem that contains a variety of microorganisms, fungi, and other beneficial organisms. It is created by building up layers of organic matter over time, which allows the soil to develop a natural balance of nutrients and microorganisms. Living soil is a great option for those who want to create a self-sustaining garden that promotes healthy plant growth and reduces the need for fertilizers and pesticides.

In this article, we will explore the differences between supersoil and living soil, and help you decide which one is right for your garden.

Key Takeaways

  • Supersoil is a specific mixture of organic materials designed to create a nutrient-dense environment for plants to grow.
  • Living soil is a more complex ecosystem that contains a variety of microorganisms, fungi, and other beneficial organisms.
  • Supersoil is best if you want a a soil that does not need added fertilzer.

Understanding Supersoil

If you’re looking for a soil that’s packed with nutrients and ready to use, supersoil might be the way to go. Supersoil is a type of soil that’s been pre-fertilized with a blend of organic materials, making it an excellent option for those who want to grow healthy plants without a lot of fuss. It can be added straight to your garden, used in pots or raised garden beds or used to make compost teas for an easy liquid fertilizer.

Composition of Supersoil

Supersoil is made up of a variety of organic materials, including compost, bat guano, worm castings, bone meal, blood meal and more. These materials are mixed together in specific ratios to create a nutrient-rich soil that’s ideal for growing plants. The specific soil recipe will depend on where you purchase your supersoil as each one will be different. 

This organic soil is perfect for boosting your garden beds or you can use it as an additive to your organic potting soil. 

Benefits of Supersoil

One of the biggest benefits of supersoil is that it’s pre-fertilized, which means you don’t have to worry about adding additional nutrients to your soil. This can save you time and money, and it also ensures that your plants have everything they need to grow healthy and strong.

Supersoil may result in higher yields meaning you will be getting more from your plant at harvest time. For the best results, apply it in the ratio suggested on the back of the pack to make sure you don’t burn your plants but still deliver essential nutrients. Supersoil can turn a base soil into a supercharged place to grow your plants. You can even mix it into water to delivery liquid nutrients to your plant.

Another benefit of supersoil is that it’s packed with beneficial microorganisms, which can help to improve soil structure and promote plant growth. These microorganisms can also help to break down organic matter in the soil, making it easier for plants to absorb nutrients.

Potential Drawbacks of Supersoil

While supersoil has many benefits, it’s not without its potential drawbacks. One of the biggest concerns with supersoil is that it can be too “hot” for young plants, which means it can burn their roots and stunt their growth. This is why supersoil is often recommended for more mature plants, rather than seedlings. There are a range of soil mixes you can choose from that contain compost, earthworm castings, feather meal, bone meal and  beneficial bacteria and beneficial microbes.

Another potential drawback of supersoil is that it can be expensive to purchase or make, especially if you’re using high-quality organic materials. However, many growers believe that the benefits of using supersoil outweigh the costs, making it a worthwhile investment in the long run.

Overall, supersoil can be an excellent option for those who want to grow healthy plants without a lot of fuss. Just be sure to use it appropriately and keep an eye on your plants to ensure they’re not being overwhelmed by the nutrient-rich soil.

Exploring Living Soil

When it comes to growing plants, living soil is a popular option for those who want to use organic nutrients to maximize the growth and health of their plants. In this section, we’ll explore what living soil is, its composition, benefits, and potential drawbacks.

Composition of Living Soil

Living soil is a type of soil that contains a diverse ecosystem of microorganisms, fungi, and other living organisms that work together to create a healthy growing environment for plants. The composition of living soil can vary, but it typically includes:

  • Organic matter (e.g. compost, leaf litter, etc.)
  • Minerals (e.g. rock dust, lime, etc.)
  • Microorganisms (e.g. bacteria, fungi, etc.)
  • Insects (e.g. worms, beetles, etc.)

The idea behind living soil is to create a self-sustaining ecosystem that can provide all the nutrients and other resources that plants need to thrive. By creating a healthy soil environment, you can help your plants grow stronger and healthier, while also reducing the need for synthetic fertilizers and pesticides.

Benefits of Living Soil

There are many benefits to using living soil for your plants, including:

  • Improved soil structure: Living soil has a better soil structure than synthetic soils, which can help improve water retention and aeration.
  • Enhanced nutrient availability: The microorganisms in living soil help break down organic matter and minerals, making nutrients more available to plants.
  • Reduced need for fertilizers and pesticides: Because living soil is a self-sustaining ecosystem, you may not need to use synthetic fertilizers or pesticides as often.
  • Increased plant health: Plants grown in living soil tend to be healthier and more resistant to pests and diseases.

Potential Drawbacks of Living Soil

While there are many benefits to using living soil, there are also some potential drawbacks to consider, including:

  • Slower growth: Plants grown in living soil may not grow as quickly as those grown in synthetic soils, especially in the early stages of growth.
  • More maintenance: Living soil requires more maintenance than synthetic soils, as you need to monitor the health of the ecosystem and make adjustments as needed.
  • Higher cost: Creating a living soil ecosystem can be more expensive than using synthetic soils, as you may need to purchase additional materials and supplements.

Supersoil vs Living Soil: Key Differences

When it comes to growing plants, choosing the right soil is crucial. Two popular options are supersoil and living soil. While both have their advantages, there are some key differences to consider.

1. Nutrient Availability

Supersoil is a pre-fertilized soil mix that contains all the necessary nutrients for plant growth. This means that you don’t have to worry about adding any additional nutrients during the growing process. However, the high nutrient content can sometimes be too much for young plants, which can lead to nutrient burn.

Living soil, on the other hand, is a soil that contains a diverse range of microorganisms that work to break down organic matter and release nutrients slowly over time. This means that the nutrients are available to the plants when they need them, and there is less risk of nutrient burn. However, living soil may require additional amendments to ensure that all necessary nutrients are present.

2. Sustainability

Supersoil is often made with synthetic fertilizers which are not used in organic gardens. Additionally, the high nutrient content can lead to runoff and pollution in nearby water sources.

Living soil, on the other hand, is made with organic materials and promotes healthy soil ecology. The microorganisms in living soil work to break down organic matter and create a rich, nutrient-dense soil that is sustainable and environmentally friendly.

3. Cost Efficiency

Supersoil can be more expensive than living soil, as it is pre-fertilized and ready to use. However, it may save money in the long run by reducing the need for additional fertilizers and nutrients.

Living soil may require additional amendments and can be more time-consuming to create, but it is often less expensive in the long run. Additionally, the sustainability benefits of living soil may outweigh the initial cost.

The best soil for your will depend on your needs. For an organic choice living soil will help you to improve your regular soil gradually over time. Supersoil on the other hand contains a range of nutrients that your plant needs. Both will give you great results and will increase soil microbial life.


Both living soil and super soil have their advantages and disadvantages. Living soil promotes the growth of beneficial microorganisms and mycorrhizal fungi, which can help plants grow stronger and healthier. Super soil, on the other hand, is pre-fertilized and does not require additional amendments, making it easier to use.

If you are growing organically, look out for living soil that contains organic ingredients. As the natural microbes grow they will help to break down organic matter and improve the nutrient uptake of your plants.

When it comes to choosing between the two, it depends on your personal preferences and gardening goals. If you are looking for a more natural and organic approach to gardening, living soil may be the way to go. However, if you prefer a more straightforward and convenient method, super soil might be the better choice to get your plants and soil in good condition.

It is important to note that both living soil and super soil require proper care and maintenance in order to be effective. This includes regular watering, monitoring pH levels, and ensuring proper drainage. It is important to choose high-quality ingredients and follow proper mixing ratios when creating your own soil mix.

Overall, whether you choose living soil or super soil, the most important thing is to understand the needs of your plants and provide them with the proper care and nutrients they require for healthy growth.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is hot soil and how does it differ from supersoil or living soil?

Hot soil is a term used to describe soil that is heavily amended with nutrients, making it too strong for young plants. Supersoil is a type of hot soil that is heavily amended with organic nutrients, while living soil is a type of soil that contains a diverse ecosystem of microorganisms and fungi.

The main difference between hot soil and living soil is that hot soil is too strong for young plants, while living soil provides a balanced ecosystem that supports healthy plant growth.

What are the benefits of using supersoil or living soil for growing plants?

Supersoil and living soil both offer a range of benefits for growing plants. Supersoil is pre-fertilized and does not require additional amendments, while living soil promotes the growth of beneficial microorganisms and mycorrhizal fungi. Both types of soil can improve plant growth, yield, and overall health, while reducing the need for synthetic fertilizers.

What are the potential drawbacks of using living soil over supersoil?

One potential drawback of using living soil is that it requires more maintenance than supersoil. Living soil must be carefully balanced to ensure a healthy ecosystem of microorganisms and fungi, while supersoil is pre-fertilized and requires less maintenance. Additionally, living soil may not be suitable for all types of plants, as some plants may prefer a different type of soil.

Can top dressing with supersoil improve plant growth and yield?

Yes, top dressing with supersoil can improve plant growth and yield. Top dressing involves adding a layer of soil or fertilizer on top of the existing soil. Supersoil can be used as a top dressing to provide additional nutrients to plants, which can improve growth and yield. This super soil technique is easy, will not disturb the soil bed, and can be added during the plants grow cycle.

Is it worth investing in living soil for long-term gardening projects?

Investing in living soil can be worth it for long-term gardening projects, as it can provide a range of benefits for plant growth and overall soil health. Living soil promotes the growth of beneficial microorganisms and fungi, which can improve soil structure, water retention, and nutrient availability. However, living soil requires more maintenance than other types of soil and may not be suitable for all types of plants.