Where is The Expiration Date on Chobani Yogurt? (Answered)

Chobani yogurt packs will have the expiration date printed on the lid of the container stating the day, month and year. Packaged Chobani yogurt will also have the expiration date printed on the outside packaging so it is easy to see.

Before you buy yogurt take a few moments to check the expiration date. It is best not to eat Chobani yogurt after the expiration date.  Bacteria and fungi can grow in the yogurt causing it to go off and to taste incredibly sour.

Most Chobani yogurt at or below fridge temperatures will last for around 2 weeks after you purchase it but you can get yogurt that lasts for up to a month after purchase. The Chobani yogurt I just purchased has an expiration date which is 4 weeks after I bought it.

Eating Chobani yogurt that has gone bad can make you sick. You can freeze yogurt to extend its life and to store it for up to 2 months.

Freezing yogurt does not kill the probiotic bacteria, they will just go into hibernation until they warm up to body temperature.

This article will explore more about finding the expiration date on Chobani yogurt packets as well as how to keep it fresh for longer. These tips will keep your yogurt tasting good and keep its texture at its best.

How long Chobani yogurt lasts after it has been opened

Chobani yogurt can last up to 2-3 days once it has been opened if stored correctly.

Once Chobani yogurt has been opened transfer it to an airtight container, do not eat directly out of the container and kept at or below fridge temperature.

How to store Chobani yogurt after opening

Here are some tips to store Chobani yogurt after opening.

1. Avoid eating directly out of the container

Avoid eating straight out of the Chobani yogurt container if you want to store a portion for later.

Dipping a spoon from your mouth into the yogurt will spread bacteria from your saliva to the yogurt that can grow and make the yogurt go bad fast.

If you are planning on keeping the rest of a large yogurt container, spoon your serving into a separate bowl and put the container straight back into the fridge.

2. Check the expiration date on the lid of Chobani yogurt

Check the printed expiration date on the lid of your Chobani yogurt. Consuming expired yogurt can make you unwell and is not worth the risk.

Most Chobani yogurt will last for up to 2 weeks after purchase but always use the expiration date as a guide.

3. Do not eat directly out of the container

If you are not planning on eating the whole container of Chobani yogurt, avoid eating directly out of the container.  Separate out the yogurt you are planning to eat and place the rest in a clean, sealed container.

Keep any leftover yogurt at or below fridge temperature or freeze it to keep it even longer.

4. Label the container with the date you opened it

Label your yogurt storage container with the date that you opened it. It is best to consume the yogurt within 3 days after opening.

This will help you to keep track of when it should be discarded.

Keep yogurt at or below 40 degrees Fahrenheit which is fridge temperature or freeze it to store up to 2 months.

After buying Chobani yogurt from the grocery store, it is important to refrigerate it as soon as possible.

This will keep it up to a temperature that will slow bacterial growth. The good probiotic bacteria will survive in the yogurt but we will limit the growth of harmful bacteria.

To keep yogurt as cold as possible when you travel use a cool bag and pack it with frozen foods or an ice pack.

5. Avoid leaving yogurt out of the fridge for longer than 2 hours

Avoid leaving Chobani yogurt out of the fridge for longer than 2 hours if you want to eat it at a later date.

If you are cooking or individually serving yogurt out to your guests it is important not to leave it out of the fridge for longer than 2 hours. If you want eat the leftovers get it back in the cold as soon as possible.

6. Make sure the fridge is at the correct temperature

Check your fridge and make sure it is set at or below 40° F (4° C). This will help to limit the growth of harmful bacteria in the yogurt keeping it good until the expiration date.

Always look carefully at your yogurt and if it looks or smells a different color than it should then discard it.

How to tell if unopened Chobani yogurt is bad?

There are a few ways to tell if unopened Chobani yogurt has gone bad without even lifting the lid. Here are a few things to look out for.

1. The lid is damaged

If the lid has not been sealed properly or it has been damaged, then it should eb thrown away. Holes will let air in which can allow bacteria and fungus to grow. This can make the yogurt go off and it will not be safe to eat.

2. If the lid is raised

If the Chobani yogurt lid is expanded or bulging, then it may have gone bad. Bacterial growth that is in excess will produce gasses which will be trapped under the lid.

Open the yogurt and check the yogurt looking for mold and bad smells. If any of these factors are not matching what you expect from yogurt then do not eat it.

3. The yogurt smells

Chobani yogurt that has gone bad will have a strong smell which can often permeate through the container.

If the yogurt smells moldy or bad in any way then you should throw it out.

4. Check the expiration date

The other way to check to see if yogurt is safe to eat is to check the expiration date. Look at the outside of the box or the lid of the yogurt to find it

If it is passed this date then it is time to get rid of the yogurt. Eating expired yogurt can have excess bacterial growth which can make you unwell.

The FDA recommends that yogurt is kept for 1-2 weeks1.

Where is the expiration date on Chobani yogurt? | Summary

The expiration date on Chobani yogurt is either on the top of the cardboard packet or on the top of the lid. You will see the expiry day, month and year. Most Chobani yogurt will last for 2 weeks after you purchase it but it can be slightly longer.

Look out for the dark printed date before you unwrap your yogurt to make sure it is good to eat. Avoid eating expired yogurt, it is not worth making yourself sick over.


  1. U.S. Department of Agriculture, How long can you keep dairy products like yogurt, milk, and cheese in the refrigerator?, Jul 17, 2019, https://ask.usda.gov/s/article/How-long-can-you-keep-dairy-products-like-yogurt-milk-and-cheese-in-the-refrigerator, accessed 18th July 2022.