How to prune star jasmine | 9 Easy tips

Star jasmine can be tip pruned and deadheaded in summer after it has finished flowering. Trim off the ends of the stems where the flowers have turned brown and started to fall off. Shape the plant before winter arrives and then leave it until summer before pruning again.

Star jasmine can benefit from regular trimming to remove old flowers and another tip prune in early fall. This is the best time to shape the plant ready for slower growth over winter and allowing the plant to prepare itself to flower again in spring.

This article will explore all you need to know about pruning star jasmine for a great shape and lots of flower growth.

How to prune star jasmine in summer, fall and deadheading

Here are my top tips for pruning star jasmine throughout the year for the best shape and flower display.

1. Prune star jasmine in summer after it has finished flowering

The most important time to prune star jasmine is in summer after the star jasmine has finished its spring flowering. The flowers will turn brown and shrivel up by summer which means that they are ready to be snipped off. Use secateurs or hedge shears if you have a larger plant.

Large, star jasmine hedges can be trimmed using electric hedge trimmers to make the job easier and to form the plant into a neat shape.

2. Deadhead star jasmine regularly

After you trim flowers off the star jasmine in the start of summer they can grow a second flush of flowers in late summer. You can do a second trimming to remove those extra flowers to neaten up the plant. Take the opportunity to shape the plant and only remove a few inches at a time.

3. Tip prune star jasmine in early fall

Star jasmine can be tip pruned again in early fall to shape the plant before winter. Take the time to individually trim each stem. A climbing star jasmine can grow long stems up a screen or fence. Trim the ends of the stems to keep them to a size that is easy to reach and shape.

Star jasmine grows fast, trim stems regularly to keep it under control. Long stems can branch out and fill a space rapidly.

4. Avoid pruning star jasmine in late fall and winter

Avoid pruning star jasmine later in fall or in winter. The star jasmine will slow its growth over this time becoming almost dormant and will not grow any new flowers over this time. In winter and early spring the star jasmine will prepare the ends of the stems for growing new flowers.

If you trim star jasmine during this time you can prune off the new flower buds and miss out on a year of flowering or at least delay it.

5. Remove dead leaves from star jasmine

Deadheading is the key to getting star jasmine to grow a second flush of flowers in late summer. Remove the spring flowers once they have drooped by trimming them off with sharp secateurs and water the plant well.

You do not need to trim lower on the branch than the bottom of the flower bunch. This will keep your star jasmine full and lush. Trimming can help to grow the star jasmine grow densely and fill out the space making a fantastic screen.

6. Shape the star jasmine

Whenever you take the time to prune or deadhead your star jasmine take care to shape it to fit your space. Remember that any branches you remove may not grow back until the next spring so take care when you are removing any plant material.

You can shape your star jasmine so it covers a screen, climbs up a growing pole or up a lattice. You can also shape star jasmine to grow as a hedge to form a wind break or to cover up an ugly wall or shed. The key is to prune small amounts of the star jasmine at a time.

7. Do not prune star jasmine too hard

It is important to prune star jasmine a small amount at a time. Pruning too severely can cause patches to be bare and the shape can become strange. If you prune back patches too hard the hardwood may not grow back leaves and you could end up with a bare hole.

8. Water star jasmine after pruning

It is important to water star jasmine well after you prune the plant. This will help it to recover well and even add new growth if the weather is still warm. Star jasmine can grow new stems and new flowers if they are pruned early and watered regularly.

9. Add slow release fertilizer in spring and again in fall

Add slow release fertilizer to your star jasmine to help it to grow new flowers and stems after pruning. A boost of nitrogen will help the plant to replace leaves rapidly. Add some slow release pelleted chicken manure, top dress with aged cow manure or add some liquid fertilizer.

All of these combined will give a rapid dose of nutrients and can result in fantastic growth after pruning.

How to prune star jasmine | Summary

Star jasmine is a fantastically hardy plant that looks great when it is regularly pruned to shape. Removing dead flowers can keep the plant looking fresh and can allow a second flush in late summer. Prune star jasmine to allow to climb a screen, grow as a tight shrub or as a clipped hedge.

Star jasmine will grow long stems as it attempts to climb up anything nearby. If there is not anything for it to climb up, it will climb and entwine on itself with twisted stems. Trim these off to keep the shrub small and to the shape you like.

Star jasmine will be covered in beautiful white flowers if you trim it in late summer or again in early fall.

Happy growing.